Chapter 61: A call

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Dream POV.

Sapnap and Skeppy stood opposite me, both of them seeming pissed that I am here and I honestly felt the same way about seeing them. After all, they were the ones who knew about George being a superhero but didn’t think ‘Dream should probably know George is a superhero because Dream could be arrested for what he tells George.’

They were now also dropping the bomb on me that they were both wanting to become superheroes because they didn’t like it when there was another criminal that didn’t get along with them.

Both of them had been annoyed at the fact that I was staying in a superheros headquarters, as if they weren’t doing the same thing, however I crossed my arms and looked away from the rest of the group. “Once Wilbur is dealt with I’ll be out of your hair. Until then, this is the only place I’ve got.”

“Lucky us.” Sapnap muttered under his breath, before a voice spoke up loud enough for all five of us to hear.
“Then you shouldn’t be here for very long.” All of us turned to see Philza now standing in the doorframe, when he had gotten here, none of us knew, and I resisted the urge to punch him.

“Why?” George questioned, and as we all looked at him we could see that worry clear in his face. I had a feeling this couldn’t be good.
“Wilbur’s got in contact with us.” The older blond answered, before turning to look specifically at the two superheroes in the room.”He has Bad.”

“What!?” Skeppy asked, fear overtaking him at the mention of the other superhero. Had he seriously fallen in love with a hero as well? “He can’t have Bad. I don’t believe it.”
“He does Skeppy,” Philza nodded. “There was a live feed of where he was being kept, and there was evidence from the place Bad was recovering that he’d been moved.”

Without waiting for anything else all four of the people in the room went running after Phil as he led them down the hallway to who knows where. I followed after the rest of the group a moment later, mainly because I wanted to be able to find Wilbur and kick his ass.

The group gathered in a meeting room, all of them focusing on a large screen. Wilbur was on the screen, smirking at the group as we crowded in. “Took you long enough Phil,” Wilbur huffed, crossing his arms as though he would rather be doing anything else than talking to us. “I was about to leave.”

“Be quiet Wilbur.” The blond hissed at his son. “I did what you asked, now tell them what you told me.” His voice was harsh as he glared at his son on the screen, although I couldn’t blame him since I was doing the exact same thing.

“Well. I have BadBoyHalo, and I’m hoping that Phil already told you that.” He said, smirking sadistically as he looked at all of us in turn. “If you want to see him alive again you’ll be coming to the address I provide tonight.” As he spoke he held up his phone, showing a video of a darkened warehouse, if we squinted we could see someone tied up in the middle of the room.

“If you don’t turn up,” he continued, lowering the phone back down after making sure everyone got a good look at the person he claimed to be this city’s third hero. “Then I will not hesitate to kill BadBoyHalo, and paint the streets red with his blood.” He chuckled evilly to himself as he spoke.

“How do we know that is him though?” Karl questioned from where he was standing beside Sapnap. “We have no proof that’s him. That might not be a real picture and if it was we don’t know that it is him.” He turned to look at the rest of us. “This could just be a trap to try and lure us all in.”

“That would make sense I guess.” Wilbur shrugged. “But I do have the official documents from the facility where Bad was kept which told them that he is with me, and those are incredibly time consuming to forge for some stupid trap.” He seemed to giggle to himself as he leaned back in his chair while continuing to examine us all.

“You’d put in a lot of effort for some stupid trap.” I grumbled. “I’ve known you your whole fucking life. You would definitely do this kind of shit.”
“Well you can think that if you want Dream.” Wilbur huffed. “You can be quite stubborn, so I won’t be surprised if you don’t want to help.”

He continued onwards. “The rest of you might think the same as Dream does, however if you don’t want to come one of two things will happen.” Everyone stood tense as he began to explain. “One is you all being correct. This is just some drug dealer I grabbed off the street and nobody will mourn them.”

We all knew what  the other option would be, and as I glanced over at the two superheroes and at Skeppy as well I noticed how they were standing awkwardly. Wilbur noticed this too from the other side of the screen. “The other thing that will happen is this being BadBoyHalo. He’ll be killed in a warehouse and nobody will ever know, besides you lot.”

“So what the hell do you want us to do?” Sapnap questioned, his tone flat as he stared up at the screen. “I assume it will have something to do with us walking into one of your traps where you end up either threatening to arrest us or kill us.”
“That might have something to do with it.” Wilbur shrugged.

For a couple of moments there was silence, however Philza broke it as he looked up at Wilbur on the screen. “Fine. We will come to you.” he decided for the group. “Where do you want us to meet then?” While all of us expected an answer we were instead met with laughter from the brunette.

“I can’t tell you that yet.” Wilbur rolled his eyes as though it was the most obvious thing ever after his fit of laughter. “If I tell you then you can just turn up unexpectedly. And when my guests come over I’d much rather be ready for them. Can’t have you come and get BadBoyHalo before I’m present to witness your arrival.”

“So you expect all of us to just wait around until then while you are doing who-knows-what to Bad?” Skeppy questioned, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes narrowed.
“Not at all Skep,” he responded. “I need you to bring me Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo. It’ll be an exchange. The three of them for Bad’s safe return.”

“Not a chance.” Phil immediately glared. “You are not getting the three of them, end of story.”
“Then you are not getting Bad, end of story.” His son mimicked. “Besides, I would never hurt my brother and his friends, especially after I found out his friends have powers.”

George sighed. “Philza, he has a point. We should consider it.” He muttered to the blond.
“No!” The blond snapped back. “Three lives for one is not a good trade, plus he has a point. This might not even be BadBoyHalo. We don’t know.” He seemed close to crying. “And I just lost one son, I don’t want to lose another one.”

“But Phil,” George continued. “We know that Wilbur won’t hurt those three, however he will kill Bad, or whoever he is pretending is Bad.” Philza didn’t answer, although the rest of the group was considering it. Sapnap was the one who eventually asked.
“When will you tell us where we need to go?” The ravenette questioned.

“Tomorrow night at seven pm sharp, I will tell you. Before that you know nothing, and remember what happens to Bad if you don’t turn up.” Without waiting for any answer Wilbur hung up, leaving me standing in silence with the rest of the stupid superheroes and my stupid traitor friends as well.

“That’s what we are going with?” I asked with a scoff. “Walk straight into a trap and hand over three teenagers on the off chance that it might be your friend?”
“Dream,” George muttered, stepping closer to me and grabbing my hand. “Please, I know that you might hate me, and think this is a bad idea, but this is for my friend.”

His brown eyes shone hopefully, probably wanting me to agree with him, however I shrugged him off as I pulled my hand from his. “I’m sorry George, however I can’t trust this. I need some room to think.”
None of them stopped me as I walked out of the room with my head hung low.
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