Chapter 13: Leaving duties

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George POV.

A warm rush of comfort enveloped me as I woke up. After not getting much sleep the past couple days it felt nice and comfortable. In the past I had been an extreme sleeper. Karl had always joked about sleeping being my third job, after being a superhero and a coder. That was a joke that always made people laugh although he did exclude the part about me being a hero.

Whatever pillow I had was definitely one that I was going to lay on for a while, and I let out a hum of content as I nuzzled further into it, but immediately froze when the pillow chuckled and pulled me closer to it.

My eyes widened in surprise as I immediately sat up, or at least tried to. A strong pair of arms around my waist kept me from moving too far. I was honestly about to send a small shock of about 10,000 volts of electricity into whoever had gotten me into such a vulnerable position before realising it was just Dream.

Part of me felt disappointed as I averted my gaze from him for a couple of seconds. Last night’s memories filled my mind. Of Wilbur betraying us. Of the bomb he had Punz set up. Of Bad being injured. It was all I could think about and I was feeling glad that nobody in the room could read minds, because that would bring up an awkward conversation.

Although I know that is a selfish thing for me to think about, I couldn’t help but miss the feeling. The exhilarating thrill of putting my life on the line to protect others, the rush of knowing that every second counts in a race against time to save the city, or the country, or even the planet.

I missed the feeling of being 404. Doing undercover work, trying to find out about what villains like Dream, Skeppy, Quackity, and Sapnap are planning. All of that gave me a reason to live instead of just having a boring life. And I’d pretty much done what I was meant to do here anyway. There wasn’t much point to me sticking around.

“George, sweetheart.” I glanced over at the blond realising that I had dazed out. A smile graced the criminal's face as we looked into each other's eyes. “You dazed out for a moment. Are you feeling okay?”

I nodded at him, before a yawn fell from my lips. While he was holding my waist I allowed myself to fall back onto him, nuzzling back into the warmth of my human pillow. For a moment I allowed myself to puzzle over the fact that such a dangerous person was so nice to cuddle with. It was honestly surprising, however I wasn’t complaining.

Apparently I had started staring off into space again, but I was brought back by a gentle kiss being pressed to my forehead. I blinked up at Dream curiously, and he repeated his question, asking if I was alright. “I’m alright,” I parroted. “Just tired.” It made sense. Using so much of my electricity had really drained all of my stamina.

The last time I had used that much energy at once was when I was attacked by about two dozen people at once. I slept for two days straight, only waking up when Bad thought I should have something to eat and drink, and to try and convince me to shower.

Who knows how long I have been sleeping here. I do remember waking up and seeing Dream and saying something to him, however who knows how long ago that was. “How long have I been sleeping?” I decided to ask, and Dream thought for a moment before answering.

“About twelve, or maybe thirteen hours.” The blond answered, lifting me up so I was straddling his waist before bringing me in for a long, drawn out kiss. I moaned into it gently, my eyes fluttering shut for a moment as I embraced it.

His eyes were dim as he looked into mine. I found safety and comfort looking into his beautiful eyes, even though I wouldn’t be able to see them in their full beauty and their true colour. Without my goggles I could only see them as a disgusting, sickly, yellow. Not that I will be able to see his face if I was wearing the goggles since he’d probably try to kill me.

“Are you still feeling tired?” He asked, “because you look exhausted. Do you want to go back to sleep?” His hand brushed against my cheek as I looked into his eyes.
“I’ll be fine.” I responded. “We can get-”

The door was thrown open and someone came into the room. I felt Dream immediately bury his face in my chest to conceal what his face looked like. A gasp left my mouth at the blond’s reaction but I didn’t say anything, instead glancing over my shoulder with a red hue on my face to see who was there.

It was just a henchman, who seemed immediately embarrassed when he saw what he had walked into. Me and him locked eyes, although his gaze occasionally flicked to the fluffy blond hair which clearly belonged to Dream. I could tell that he knew he had fucked up by coming in here unannounced, and he avoided eye contact with me as he mumbled something.

I couldn’t understand him, but could tell that he wanted to leave (the blond was most definitely glaring at him and probably not focusing on what he was saying either). I felt a lump in my throat, but ended up finding my voice as I asked. “Can you repeat that please.”

Even speaking made me feel awkward, just at the thought that this random dude has seen me sitting on Dream like some sort of lap dog. But it seemed that he had lost his will to speak as much as I had. “Sap-Sapnap wanted to talk to you, Dream.” He said quietly.

“Is that everything?” Dream growled into my shoulder, although it was loud enough that people in the next room could probably hear it.
“Yes sir.” He said, letting out a sharp breath as he knew he was probably going to be in trouble for barging in. “He said it has something to do with yesterday.”

“If that’s all then get out right now.” The blond instructed firmly, his voice deep and threatening, and his hand that had been resting on my shoulder gripping the fabric of the hoodie harshly. It seemed the henchmen was only too happy to comply, shutting the door before sprinting off down the hallway.

I watched as Dream pulled away from me and immediately grabbed his mask to pull on, probably not wanting to risk being seen again. I tried to calm down slightly before standing up after him, just in time to watch the blond striding quickly into the bathroom.
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