Chapter 12: Visiting

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Skeppy POV.

This was definitely not the safest way to visit Bad, but I had to see him. He was being moved to some secret location where he could rest away from the public's eyes meaning that from some point later today I wouldn’t be able to see him for a while.

No doubt they’d also have doubled security at this hospital as well, and would not let anybody visit Bad, unless they turned up in a super suit themselves. Plus I was a criminal, there was no way that I’d be allowed in the hospital regardless of circumstances and who was in there with me.

So that is how I ended up on the side of the building, outside the room where Bad was resting, trying to open the sliding window from the outside without breaking it. I was at least seventy feet up, but nobody was in the room beside the hero, who was currently asleep. Or at least I couldn’t see anyone, since it was cloudy and the sun hadn't risen, and the lights were off.

Even though I didn’t really want to, I figured my only option was knocking on the window to try and wake him up, and I did. My hand knocking against the glass several times, and thankfully for me that was enough to wake him up. He looked drowsy and confused but looked over at me and that made him… more confused.

Still though, he hobbled out of bed, bringing the IV connected to his arm along with him and walked over to the window, muttering something I couldn’t understand. He slid open the window then stepped back as I climbed in.

“Skeppy?” He asked once I was standing beside him in the hospital ward which was empty aside from the two of us. He was dressed in a hospital gown but had his mask on and honestly looked adorable, but that thought left my mind when I noticed a bandage wrapped snugly around his arm. However I managed to avoid thinking about that as I pulled him into a tight hug.

“What are you doing here?” Bad continued to question, and I didn’t bother responding until I finally convinced myself to let go of him and escort him back to his bed.
“I heard you were being moved today, so I wanted to see you before you left. How are you feeling?” I questioned.

“My arm almost got blown off you flipping muffinhead. How do you think I am feeling?” Bad questioned, immediately making me feel bad. (😱 Language BBH)
“Sorry, you do have a point.” I admitted, and even though I was the one feeling terrible he looked more guilty than I did.

“I don’t mean to sound rude.” The hero apologised. “Oh goodness I am sorry. You were trying to be nice and then I went and-”
“You are too cute,” I muttered under my breath, and those words caused him to freeze before blushing profusely.

For a couple of minutes he attempted to stutter out a response to what I said to him but was unable to, instead just coming up with a jumble of incomprehensible words. Somehow making the hero flustered was quite entertaining, especially when he began brushing his hand gently over his bandaged arm as a way to distract himself.

Eventually Bad’s stuttering paid off when he was just able to respond with a ‘thanks’. The two of us just talked quietly for a little while. It was mainly just passing some comments between each other however it was me saying more than he was. Bad had a lot of stuff in his IV including a ton of pain killers.

“How are 404, Jacobs, and Dr Gamers?” Bad questioned, not wanting to give away their names even though he knew I already knew them. Still, I didn’t go against what he said and just referred to them the same way.
“404 is fine, Dr Gamers is resting in another part of the hospital. I don’t know where Jacobs is.” I told him honestly, seeing how happy he looked when he heard his friends were safe-ish.

By now the sun had appeared from behind some clouds and streams of lights were beginning to snake up into the room. A knock on the door broke us out of our conversation. I stood up as I heard it and gave the hero a small smile. “I should probably be going, but I hope that you get better, so promise me you will spend the next few weeks focused on getting better.”

A giggle left his lips as he got settled back on the bed. “I will,” he reassured me.
“Good,” I smiled as another knock came at the door. I climbed out of the window and took a moment to readjust myself before beginning to make my way down the side of the building, trying not to… fall to my death.

Foolish POV.
(Last one for him for a while).

Warm hands were holding mine when I woke up, and I glanced over to see Ponk and Sam leaning onto each other while glancing down solemnly. Ponk noticed my hand squeezing his, causing him to glance up at me with tear filled eyes.

A smile graced his face as he immediately rushed forward to hug me with Sam following not far behind. However the taller of the pair pulled away from the hug as quickly as it started and he motioned for Ponk to do the same. “How are you feeling?” He asked cautiously, examining me as though I was made of glass that could shatter at any moment.

“I’m feeling tired. I didn’t sleep much over the past couple of weeks.” was my response. “But other than that I am feeling fine. How long have I been here?”
“Overnight.” Ponk answered. “But are you ready to go home? The doctor said you could once you woke up. She said you'd only need some bed rest and food.”

“Yeah,” I said with a smile on my face. “I missed home. I think that I’d rather be relaxing in our bed at home than here in some stuffy hospital bed.” As I spoke I sat myself up, and my eyes stayed focused on Sam who had gone to pull back the curtain and open the window to let some air into the room.

It was bright and sunny and I immediately felt bad because my two boyfriends were missing out on work right now. Although I knew they’d respond to me saying anything with me being more important than work (aka the protection of the city, and the education of future generations that couldn’t afford school).

The pair then helped me out of the bed even though I was perfectly fine and each insisted on holding one of my hands as we walked out of the hospital. I have to admit that I missed this feeling.
1267 words

I don't know how many chapters of BBH I have left in the story (that sounds like I'm gonna kill him off like in one of my other stories, but I won't).

Mainly just because most of this story is jumping back and forth over the next couple of weeks, the whole time he would be recovering. From the device I post this on it will be hard to check exactly how many more chapters he has, however he will be back near the end of the book.

Just in case 10 or 20 chapters down the line you won't be like 'what happened to BadBoyHalo?'

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