Chapter 60: Commissioner

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Wilbur POV.

“Make sure that the restraints are tight, and make sure he stays drugged up. Badboyhalo might be weak, but he is still a superhero.” I informed Punz, before lowering my voice into an agitated mumble. “I don’t want him to be able to get out like Techno almost did.” The platinum blond glanced over at me at the mention of my brother and just nodded.

He had undone the handcuffs and legcuffs from around Bad’s limbs, before lifting his unconscious form up and carrying him to a metal chair in the middle of the room. Unlike last time, with Techno’s escape, the chair was bolted to the floor, making it harder for any escapes to happen.

I watched Punz easily, yet carelessly, throw the unconscious superhero onto the chair, before doing as I told him to do and restraining Badboyhalo. Then before he stood up he pulled out a needle, injecting the contents into Bad’s neck. Punz grinned smugly as he pocketed the now empty syringe after putting the safety on.

We had already ripped the superhero’s mask off the moment we got here and blindfolded and gagged him, so that if he should wake up he could not say or do anything. Although I doubted that would happen. If Bad should wake up any time in the next couple of hours that I am away he will be in too much of a drugged out state to realise.

“Are you ready to go Punz?” I asked once the platinum blond had reached me.
“Of course,” he responded, practically beaming with malicious glee. “I’ve waited for today for so long. The downfall of Dream is something I’ve been hoping for for years.”

The way he acted made me chuckle as we left the building, heading out into the industrial zone, weaving between the alleys that we had emerged into. As usual this part of the city was quiet, and so nobody would be around to witness what I was planning on doing.

This was it, I had decided. The final straw. The last match. I would not allow any of those God forsaken heroes live any longer. Or those damn criminals who are just as much of a fucking problem. Therefore, a little bit of live bait might rush them along to the end where I shall be waiting, like leading a lamb to the slaughter.

“Let’s go Punz,” I smirked, “we have so much to plan in so little time. If we want them dead as soon as possible.”
“Of course,” he responded. “I can’t wait to witness Dream, Sapnap, and Skeppy finally getting what they fucking deserve.”

We went to one of the police precincts downtown, one called Precinct 65. The two of us were immediately noticed when we walked in, and I glanced around for the person that I was looking for. Then I saw him and a gleaming smile grew on my face. “Captain Awesamdude,” I smirked, walking up to the man who was just staring at me with a scared, yet dazed expression.

Then I glanced at the person who was standing beside him, someone who I knew was going to be here. “And you must be the police commissioner,” I said politely, holding out my hand for him to shake. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Wilbur Soot, the city’s new superhero.”

“I know who you are, Mr Soot sir.” He said, holding his clammy hand out and grasping my own as he shook it rapidly. “Do you want me to call you that? Mr Soot? Or is there something else?”
“Wilbur is fine.” I reassured him, “but I needed something from this precinct, if that would be okay with you.”

The commissioner's grin widened, seeming happy to help me with whatever I needed. It shocked me how this absolute imbecile ended up in a position of such power, however I hid those thoughts with a fake smile. “I heard that this precinct has the means to communicate with the city’s ex-heroes. Do you think I can use it?”

“Of course you can.” He answered, and I subtly glanced over at Sam who definitely had some objections, his jaw was clenched tightly and he turned to look at the commissioner.
“No he can’t. I am the captain of this precinct and I am not allowing him to use it. It is a violation of the contract we made with the heroes when they started working for us.” Sam objected.

The commissioner turned to look at the slightly taller man standing beside him, and an unfriendly, stern look on his face. “Captain,” he growled out the word as he glared at the other. “I am ranked above you, and I said they can use it. So you have to let them use it.”
“But I was the one left in charge of-”

“Don’t worry commissioner,” I cut Sam off. “He probably just doesn’t trust me, which does make sense.” I saw the police captain continue to give me a cold stare however I ignored it. “But I reassure you Sam. I only want to keep this city safe, just like you do. The two of us could become close friends.”

There was a quick exchange as we looked over at each other, and I could sense the anger boiling up inside of him, in fact I could see it happening as we speak. The commissioner ended our staredown early as he stepped between us. “Allow me to take you to where the communicator is.”

Before we left the commissioner then turned to look at Sam. “And Captain Awesamdude. I will have to have a talk with you later about your attitude towards my orders.” His eyes widened as he looked at his superior, he didn’t get the chance to say anything in his defence though because we started walking off.

I glanced over my shoulder, watching as Punz turned to follow me; however I motioned for him to stop. “Punz, it seems that Sam doesn’t really trust that we want to help the city. So how about you take him out for lunch and show him that we can be nice, genuine, people.” As I spoke, Punz's eyes narrowed in confusion.

Whatever confusion he had disappeared when I glanced down at his belt, and at his holster with a gun in it. The platinum blond smirked at me before nodding. “Of course Wilbur,” he nodded at me, before turning to walk over to where Sam was still standing.

The commissioner's eyebrows furrowed but I shrugged him off. “Come on,” I instructed, “show me where this communicator is.”
1173 words

Well... Bye-bye Sam.

But this chapter also ends on a positive(?) note. It is one week until my next story is up.

It is a mafia story called 'Shot in Love and Crime' and is DNF but does feature other ships too.

Anyway, if that is the kinds of story you are into then feel free to check it out when it drops.

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