Chapter 2: A search

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Sapnap POV.

“What the hell do you mean you checked everywhere? Obviously you didn’t fucking do that because we would have found both of them by now!” Dream yelled, flipping over a table in anger as he glared down three of his men standing opposite him. Even with the mask on you could practically feel his intense stare burning holes into your skull.

“Well we’ve got people searching every corner of this city, and some of our guys on the inside are checking through different precincts to see if they’ve gone to any of them. No place we’ve searched has had any trace of them.” A stocky henchman with blue hair informed him, sweat appearing at the edge of his mask as he looked up at his boss.

“Have them look again. Have them turn over every damn rock. They ran away. I want them both back.” The blond paused for a moment as if in thought. “Go track down Schlatt, he had an eye out for George I’m sure of it.”

“Dream, Schlatt is overseas doing an illegal weapons trade in Europe. I doubt it’ll be him.” I informed the sociopath quietly. My words made him tense up further before slamming his fist down on the table again.

“Who fucking cares if Schlatt’s out of the country. Find his men. Find all his fucking men and search them! Any sign of either of them and you report back to me immediately. Do you understand!?” The trio of henchmen nodded before running off, all going to arrange themselves and our other men to find George and Karl.

“Are you okay Dream?” I questioned, watching as he slumped down in a chair while crossing his arms. “You seem tense. More tense than I think anyone has ever seen you. I mean, you are risking starting turf wars with Schlatt over this.” It felt weird, Dream was never one for sentimental or heartfelt conversations, all that really mattered to him was business.

“They both just up and left. I know that George wouldn’t do that.” The blond muttered to himself, still trying to figure out why the pair were gone, which was something I was attempting to figure out as well. “What if those heroes took them?” He asked, jumping up immediately as though he had just made a major scientific breakthrough. “That way they’d get a step ahead of us!”

“I doubt that Dream.” His posture made him seem somewhat offended by me not agreeing with him but I continued. “404 is who-knows-where, Jacobs is a traitor, BadBoyHalo isn’t the type to kidnap someone, and Techno is dead. None of them were behind this either.” Plus why would a superhero kidnap another superhero, especially if they were on the same team.

“Fine. Maybe those heroes didn’t take them. But where the fuck is Skeppy? He isn’t being any help with any of this.” I watched as Dream stood up and began walking towards the room Skeppy had claimed for himself when we first took over this place. Without knocking, or even announcing his presence he forced the door open only to show an empty room.

“Where the fuck is he?” He asked, and from his tense posture I could tell he was certain that Skeppy was the culprit behind his missing boy toy.
“God knows,” I responded. “Skeppy went missing ages ago. Nobody has been able to contact him for over forty eight hours. He could be anywhere.”

“Why don’t we go look with them,” I suggested. “Sitting in here stressing won’t do either of us any good.” His head turned and I could tell Dream’s eyes were narrowing from under the mask, deciding whether or not to listen to me.
“Fine,” the blond eventually grumbled, before heading towards the door.

I let out a sigh of exhaustion, before following after the blond, although by the time I reached the warehouse where we stored all of our vehicles, Dream had left without me, not even offering to give me a ride anywhere. I didn’t mind though, since now that he was gone I had the ability to do a bit more investigating around the docks.

Dream didn’t know that the pair were both heroes, since he was surprisingly dense. But maybe, someone else around here figured it out, and they had taken them. So, while the blond was going to pout in his car in the city, I’d have a look and ask around if anyone has seen any superheroes hanging around.

At least I was hoping that was the case. I headed out in the crisp evening air, casually asking a couple of the henchmen around if they had seen any sign of any superheroes, which confused them but they all told me they hadn’t. I checked in every couple of warehouses to see if there was any sign of the pair in there.

With one of them I checked I noticed nothing and was about to leave, but before heading towards the door I heard something. Soft sobbing coming from a door which I hadn’t noticed at first. Immediately my mind concluded that it was most likely Karl or George, and I headed over to the door, which had a key in the lock, and opened it.

There was a bedroom which was pitch black, and from the darkness I managed to see a pair of blue eyes, glazed over with tears, looking at me. He seemed distressed as he saw me, a well known criminal, standing in the room. I used the torch on my phone so that I could see in the room and was face to face with a blond teenager wearing a wrinkled red and white shirt.

I knew Wilbur hung out around here, and that made me cautious. It was no secret that Wilbur had many violent tendencies, and who knew why he was keeping a kid here. The blond teen tried to hide his fear as he watched me. “What the hell do you want?” He asked, voice shaking.

“Nothing from you kid,” I answered, my voice gruff. “Who exactly are you anyway? Why are you here? Does Wilbur know that you are here?”
“You know Wilbur?” The teen asked, his worry now being taken over by confusion. “But- how… you’re a criminal how does he know you?”

I didn’t answer, but now I know that he must have some connection to the brunette. “How do you know Wilbur? Are you one of his henchmen or something?” I asked in response, leaving him slightly bewildered that I hadn’t answered his question.
“Henchmen? No. What the fuck I’m his brother!” The boy yelled.

“Wilbur has a brother?” I questioned. “Well why are you locked in here? What did you do?”
The blond shrugged. “Him and Clay have come to see me, but neither of them let me out or told me anything.” I wondered who Clay was, but decided not to ask him at the moment.
“How long have you been in here?” I asked him, and the boy just shrugged.

“Two days I think. I don’t have my phone though so I can’t tell how long. Wilbur has brought me some food a couple of times.”
“And you’ve been in the dark this whole time?” I was answered by a small nod, which made me sigh and rub my forehead. “That asshole keeps his brother locked up in the dark for two days?!”

Every so often the boy shifted his gaze to look at the door and I could tell he wanted to run, but it was also clear he was worried about something. “What’s wrong?” I asked, and he seemed like he didn’t want to answer. “If you aren’t going to tell me then I need to go. I have to find someone.”

“No!” The blond said desperately. “Please don’t leave me!” His breath started panicking and I crossed my arms, watching what he was doing.
“I need to find somebody.” I didn’t tell him that I was looking for some superheroes, instead saying. “I doubt you’ll want to come along.”

“Please,” he said, and eventually I gave a nod.
“Come with me. But if you make a move out of line I can’t guarantee your safety.” I told him, and the teenager nodded before standing up to follow me.
1385 words

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