Chapter 51: Phone

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More Tommy escape.
??? POV.

The alleyway was silent, my eyes darting back and forth while being on high alert since I knew that Wilbur was around and that he would kill anyone that he thought was suspicious. That or he would probably frame anyone for some strange crime, since that was what he had already been seen doing once or twice.

My hand was buried in my pocket, holding a small dagger which wasn’t too big but would be useful if I needed some hand to hand combat of some sort. I was trying to be quick as well, remembering the last encounter that I had had with the fake hero, the one that gave me several scars now wrapping around my arms and torso.

As I was walking down the alley I was just thinking to myself, hoping that I would go unnoticed, until I heard someone calling out to me. “Hey!” A voice yelled out, it was the voice of a young teenager. “Please!” They continued, and I also heard the sound of jiggling metal, which only confused me more. “Over here!”

My gaze lifted to see an open window covered with bars, a blond teen was holding onto the bars tightly, looking down at me with wide eyes. “Please,” the teen repeated when I looked up at him, his blue eyes wide with worry and glistening with tears. “Can you help me?”

“What do you need help with?” I asked the teen, although still being cautious about what was going on around me, this wasn’t a part of town someone would want to be out in the open for too long. That was part of the reason why I stayed here, because this was a place not many others were.

“I’m trapped up here,” the blond told me, his hands wrapping back around the bars as he pulled himself closer to them to see me better. “Can you help please?”
I gave a nod, knowing what I could do to help him. “I can call the police,” I said without missing a beat, although I was lying to him about that but he still believed me.

“Please,” the teenager said desperately, and I nodded before turning to run off. “Wait! Where are you going?” He questioned worriedly, causing me to spin back around to look at him.
“I don’t have a phone.” I answered honestly, watching as a frown appeared on his face as I admitted that.. “I need to go find one, but I will be right back, okay?”

“Okay.” He gave a slight nod at me, seeming cautious. “Be quick.”
I returned his gaze with a smile which was unnoticed by the hood over my head as I reassured him. “Don’t worry, I will be back soon.”

Surprisingly the teenager seemed to believe what I had said. I couldn’t say that I’d do the same if I was in the situation he was in. I mean he was locked up in a room in a warehouse overrun with criminals with the leader posing as a superhero, assuming he knew that Wilbur was lying then who would he know who to trust.

I mean, he could trust me, that was the entire reason I was helping him, however I wasn’t going to bother going to the police first, despite what I had said to the teenager. In L’manburg, especially at the moment, police were useless, they didn’t do much to help at least.

Calling the police would also be useless in this situation. Best case scenario they turn up in twenty minutes or so (because let’s be fair it takes ages for them to arrive), and the teenager gets rescued. Worst case scenario, on the other hand, is sadly much more likely. The cops don’t believe a superhero would take their younger brother prisoner and tell me to piss off.

It was understandable that they would think this, because this would probably be a he said she said between myself and Wilbur, since I had no way to take photos to prove what he was doing was bad. And if the police even did come to check it out, Wilbur could always say that ‘he is a criminal and I am keeping him here’ or some bullshit vague story.

Not many people were around Wilbur’s headquarters, after all I knew that he had wanted to make it impossible for anybody to make the connection between himself and the criminals. Which must be hard because I knew of his naturally destructive nature, and how he would desperately want to destroy the city he was pretending to protect.

But because there were not many people hanging around, it meant that the guards weren’t changed often, and I recognised them easily. They sat on either side of the entrance, one sitting on an unused bench and the other leaning on the floor, both pretending they just lived around the area.

There was a redhead girl with a small frame, curled up on the pavement with a blanket wrapped around her, pretending to be homeless. It was pretty easy to realise this because of how her clothes stayed in good condition even though weeks had passed. She had some sort of machete concealed under her blanket, but to someone walking past they wouldn’t notice that.

The other was a man with wiry white hair and a bushy beard, sitting on a bench at a bus stop with a newspaper in his hands. He’d sit there for several hours, not even turning the page of the paper that he was apparently reading. Another thing that tipped me off was that the bus never came here, no normal person would keep sitting here.

I smiled slyly as I moved to sit beside the man at the bench, acting as though I was just waiting for the same bus that he was waiting for. He seemed to give me a confused look but didn’t say anything as I slowly moved closer to him before swiftly grabbing his shirt collar and using it to force him off the bench so he collided with my knee.

Blood began gushing out of his face as he attempted to pull a handgun out of his pocket, but I stepped on his hand, crushing the bones and making him scream out in pain. He ditched his attempt of grabbing a weapon and instead moved to cradle his injured hand, muttering incoherent complaints under his breath.

By now the ‘homeless woman’ noticed what was going on and stood up, holding a gun herself as she immediately charged at me, lifting her gun to begin firing. I had prepared for this though, and the hand that was still holding the collar of the other guard's shirt jolted up, making the man a human shield against bullets.

As his blood splattered out of his body, covering the girl who had run to attack me, and she screamed at the fact. Then she stumbled backwards as the body was thrown at her and I took the chance to knock her out. She collapsed on the ground under the weight of the man and from the force that I knocked her with.

For a moment I paused to grab both her gun and the other man's gun, pocketing one before going into the building where the teen was located.
1271 words

Tommy is soon to be free
Good on him

Also it was funny to see last chapter where there are parts of Wilbur being a complete asshole and none of the Wilbur simps even attempted to defend him.

Made me giggle

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