Chapter 1: Burns

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Karl POV.

0:04, 0:03, 0:02

Bad's vines could conduct electricity. All of us heroes knew it. Both he and George worked together often, but too much power going into Bad's tentacle like vines could hurt him, since they were practically extra limbs. They also were quite strong, I mean he could use them to lift up a school bus, or to stop a building from collapsing, and hopefully survive a bomb.

When George gave him a look, Bad instantly knew what the plan was, and they moved instantaneously. George sent a surge of electricity into Bad's tentacles which had surrounded the bomb, and a second later it exploded.

The sound of the explosion was muffled, although still loud enough to make our ears ring, and only shown by a flare of ash which managed to slip between the tentacles. However, there was a scream of pain coming from Bad. The vines fell away to find a small smouldering crater in the place of the bomb. The hero cried out as he collapsed to the ground.

Although his suit was completely heat resistant and undamaged, underneath we knew it would not be the same. George and I helped him sit up before pulling off some of his super suit. He sobbed out in pain as his body shook violently and when the two of us managed to pull his chest plate off we saw his arms were scorched.

"Shit," George murmured, immediately feeling guilty since he had given a lot of electricity, which probably added to the damage. Bad's breathing was fast paced and unsteady, I helped him lie down on the ground.

"He needs to get to a hospital." Foolish stated as he walked over to Bad and knelt down beside him. "If we don't get him there soon his arm might need to be amputated."
"Well we don't have a way to get out yet." Ranboo pointed out. "Neither George nor Karl can use their powers to get out of this, and the rest of us don't even have powers to help."

"Unless Skeppy has something else he didn't think was important to tell us," George murmured, sending a side eye at the ravenette who was examining the edges of the room for any chance to escape.

"George not right now, we have more important things to worry about." Philza instructed, giving the brunette a firm look as he and Foolish began trying to figure out how they could deal with Bad's injuries with what limited resources were in here.

"Does anyone have any way we can try and get Bad out of here?" Foolish asked, looking at everyone in the group.
"I have a phone!" Tubbo piped up. "We could call the police and tell them where we are, and that Bad is here and injured."

"That won't work," Skeppy answered, already holding a phone of his own. "We have a bunch of jammers around the dock. Places like the police station won't work. Plus, there is no signal in here either way. I couldn't even call the superheroes' boyfriends to bust us out." The thought of Sapnap made me whimper. I was wondering where he was, what was he doing right now?

He was probably worried sick about me, looking all over the city when in reality I was less than a mile away. He still probably trusts Wilbur, thinking they are on the same side when in reality they were going to be betrayed, possibly any day now since George, Bad, and I weren't around to stop Wilbur.

Dream was probably in the same situation, planning on tearing the city up to find both of us, and who knew what they thought happened? Dream might just think that we got scared of what was happening and bolted. However Sapnap knew exactly who we were, maybe if we ran he'd decide to tell Dream, tell him what he knows.

Bad started groaning out in pain again, and my expression saddened as his arm looked progressively worse. His eyes were squeezed shut, and his head was resting in Foolish's lap to try and get him slightly more comfortable.

Tommy POV.

"Wilbur!" I screamed, continuing to bang on the door he and Clay had left through ages ago. "Clay! Let me out! What the fuck is going on!" I had been screaming for hours, trying to get my brother and one of his best friends to come back. Although I knew it wasn't working.

Maybe these walls were sound proof, or maybe they had gone somewhere else, but it didn't make sense. Once I'd given up I sighed and leaned against the wall, huddled in the corner of the dark room. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where I was. I was terrified for Phil, who knew what was happening with him. Did he know I was gone? Did he know Wilbur was back?

Tears were rolling down my face. I didn't know what was going on and I was stressed. Although I tried to keep calm, in one week Karl disappeared, Techno died, Wilbur and Clay both came back, and now I am locked in a dark, cold, bedroom in who knows where.

Suddenly the door opened, and I desperately tried to wipe away all my tears, and cover up my sniffles. Clay stepped in, he refused to look directly at me, instead fiddling with something on his face for a moment before finally glancing in my direction. "Tommy, has anybody come in here recently?" The blond asked.

"No. Nobody has been here in over an hour. Can I come out now? I want to talk to Wilbur, I haven't seen him in years." Clay gave me a sympathetic look before turning away and stepping back outside the door.
"You can't come out, sorry. I will find Wilbur for you, but I am kind of stressed right now."

"What's going on?" I asked, wanting desperately to get out of this small, cramped, room. "Maybe I can help you with it?"
"I don't think you'll be able to help. I have to head off now. It's urgent." The blond slammed the door shut, and I heard the lock click.

At the thought of being locked back in the room again for who knows how long I sighed, before returning to the bed and curling up in a ball.
1091 words

Imagine if the bomb went off and killed everyone. The story would just be 'recap' 'chapter 1' and then the end, next story.

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