Chapter 31: Surprise

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Dream POV.

I waited, pressed up to the brick wall of the building opposite the side entrance to the studio. My hand holding the handle of the knife tightly. I wasn’t usually one to use knives, more often preferring guns because they can be used at long range and were overall easier, however I wanted to be up close as I stabbed Wilbur and watched the life drain from his eyes.

So now, I was just hoping that the brunette ‘superhero’ would end up coming out of the side door, instead of heading out of the front. And thankfully, after waiting for almost twenty minutes, the door opened. Part of me had worried that Wilbur had already gone, however my smirk widened as he stepped out of the corridor into the alley.

After he shut the door, before he got the chance to turn around, I grabbed him, pinning him against the wall and pressing the blade against his neck. My smile widened sadistically from under my mask and I held him there, with him unable to do anything.

“Dream, I’m surprised to see you, how have you been?” He greeted, being able to hide any fear in his voice. That surprised me, why wouldn’t he be scared? I was obviously going to kill him, surely he had to know that.

“I’ve been feeling quite pissed lately,” I answered, putting more pressure on the sharp metal against his neck. “But I am better now, after all I get to be the one to kill you.”
“Do you really want to do that Dream?” He questioned, causing me to pause momentarily, wondering what he would be saying.

“You are wondering what the hell I am talking about,” the ‘hero’ narrated. “In all honesty, Dream, you shouldn’t be trying to kill me, you should be thanking me.”
“And why should I do that?” I lowered the knife slowly, curiosity taking over me, wondering what he thought I should be thanking him for.

“Well for one thing, George was a hero. If it weren’t for me exposing him and Karl, then you and Sapnap would still be exposing your secrets to them. Where is Sapnap by the way? And Skeppy too, I thought the three of you were a team.”

“You thought wrong.” I informed him, putting more pressure on the knife again. “Is there anything else you need to tell me? Is there anything else you did? Anything worth me not slicing your throat and leaving you to bleed out in this alley?”
His smile widened further. “I got rid of Techno.”

My eyes widened at that, not that he could see from under the mask. I knew of Techno’s death of course, everyone did, but the fact that it was the result of something done by his brother, who was his best friend back when we were kids, just made me freeze. I didn’t even realise I had stood there frozen for, who knows how long honestly, until Wilbur chuckled.

“You don’t want to believe it, that our best friend was dead because of me, do you Clay?” His voice broke me out of my trance, and I glared at him, leaning closer as I felt my hand shaking involuntarily.
“You killed your own brother,” I said to myself, “you killed my friend.”

Don’t get me wrong, Techno had been a pain as a hero. Part of that reason was because he supported Phil, who was in his superhero dictator mode back then. The other reason was obviously because he was a hero, and I was a villain, we weren’t meant to think of each other as anything other than a pain… although I thought of George as something other than that.

The thought of his brother being the one to kill him, or to be behind his death, after years of all three of us being friends made my blood run cold. Even though Wilbur hated Techno and Phil, I never figured he would be the one killing either of them.

A chuckle fell from the Brit’s lips, I hadn’t even realised the hand that had been holding the knife had fallen to my side. Wilbur didn’t give me any time to react to this though, knocking me down with an elbow into my mask, right where my nose was as he caused it to erupt in pain. I went falling to the ground, and was about to get up to fight back before he pinned me down.

His foot was planted firmly on my chest as he smiled down at me. “Y’know Dream, you and I could have been friends through this, just like when we were kids. I’d allow you and what henchmen you had left, go around the city doing whatever you usually did. But I have decided to change my offer now.”

The ‘hero’ leaned down, so his head was near mine. “Call me letting you leave here now, getting paid back for every favour I’ve owed you as a kid Clay.” And then he walked off, leaving me there laying in an alleyway out the back of a TV studio, trying to make sense of everything I just heard.

Sapnap POV.

I dropped my bag on Karl’s bed, still taking my time to look around the room. The teleporter had gone to a shop, planning on getting us some food for us. He told me he didn’t want me to leave, since he was worried that Phil would catch me here and turn me in. I saw logic in that and so was checking out all the stuff in here.

My eyes darted over pictures on the wall, most of which featured him. Some of them included George and the other heroes of the city in them, and others contained people I didn’t recognise, maybe other friends, or colleagues from his job, or maybe even his family.

As I stood trying to guess he was taking photos with, he reappeared, landing directly on top of me and knocking me off balance as luck would have it. “Oh honk, sorry,” he murmured tiredly, dropping a paper bag full of food onto the floor. He didn’t seem to notice my pitying glance as I lifted the bag and moved it to his desk before helping him over to the bed.

“Don’t worry about it,” I reassured. “It’s been hard today for both of us. Plus, teleporting long distances in such a short amount of time would make anyone exhausted. So what did you get for us?” I turned my attention back to the beg and began pulling things out. There was a range, bags of chips and candy, some cans of monster, even a bag of fruit, along with other things.

“I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, so I just grabbed whatever I could,” he admitted. “Sorry if you don’t like it. I can go get some more stuff. I just don't think you leaving the room for anything would be a good idea. Phil might kill you.”
“No, the food's fine,” I smiled, grabbing an apple for both of us and returning to sit beside him on the bed. “You already got more than enough. Thank you honey.”

He blushed at the nickname as he took the fruit. Then he began eating without saying anything.
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