Chapter 56: BadBoyHalo

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Wilbur POV.

“So who are you again?” The head doctor asked as I walked alongside her down a brightly lit corridor. She was a tall ravenette with amber eyes, and a name badge reading ‘Sarah Cole’
“My name is Wilbur ma’am,” I responded, giving a slight bow of my head as I did. “I am a superhero and I’m afraid that I need to take BadBoyHalo off of your hands.”

“Is the city in danger?” Dr Cole questioned, “because he is still badly injured and I don’t think that he should be-”
“I understand your concern, doctor.” I cut her off. “However he is not going to be fighting anything.” I reassured her, before looking over at Punz as he continued the explanation.

“We have recently discovered evidence that both 404 and Jacobs were working with criminals such as Dream, Skeppy, and Sapnap. Technoblade and BadBoyHalo are speculated to be working alongside them too, taking bribes, letting them escape, that kind of stuff.” The platinum blond shrugged.

“Precisely.” I took over again, causing the doctor to once again turn her attention to me. “Because of this, we are relocating BadBoyHalo to a prison on the outskirts of L’manburg. He will be kept there and will receive a lifetime sentence for his crimes against the people of L’manburg.”

“But he’s still injured.” Dr Cole repeated from earlier. “As the person in charge of his well being I will not discharge him from this location until his injuries have healed.” The doctor then changed her pace so that she was in front of us and turned to walk down an adjoining corridor.

I grabbed her shoulder, stopping her from walking too far and she turned back so that she could look at me, her amber coloured eyes narrowing slightly. “Doctor,” I smiled sweetly at her, keeping my same calm, slow talking tone to try and lower her guard. “I understand that you care for Bad, it is your job too and you are doing it perfectly well. But this is for the safety of the city.”

The female doctor was still hesitant but I added something to make her definitely change her mind. “My dear,” I purred, knowing which nickname would affect her the most. “I trust your judgement, and I need you to trust mine. Can you do that for me?”

That had convinced her. The soft talk and the pet name had tipped her over the edge and she nodded at me. “Okay then,” Dr Cole said, trying to avoid blushing at the nickname. “I will take you to his room now.”

Punz and I exchanged a smirk as we continued to follow the doctor through the corridors of the facility, now certain that we were going to get to what I wanted. There were several members of the military that we passed, all of them standing on guard at certain intersections in the hallways, and most of the doors needed key card clearance.

Apparently this place was some sort of nuclear fallout facility. Capable of housing about two thousand people if there was ever a case when that was needed. It was built back in the 70s, however about one hundred people lived here at all times, making repairs, upgrading technology, and doing anything else that was needed

Doctor Cole stopped in front of a door at the end of a long corridor and swiped her key card and a small buzz came from the scanner as a light flashed green. The doctor opened the door and then walked into the room with myself and Punz following after her, and there he was.

Bad was unconscious on the bed, a blanket draped over him with his arms resting on top of that. They were both bandaged tightly but seemed as though they had recently been changed. A heart monitor was beeping loudly beside him while nurses were working around the area, doing tests of his blood pressure while he was asleep.

“You are both dismissed.” The doctor informed them, and they nodded as they headed out of the room, only stopping for a few moments to send me and Punz a confused look before walking out. Cole just looked at the unconscious superhero who, despite being in hospital for a month, had his mask on. “Actually on second thought moving him might be a bad idea.”

“It’ll be fine,” I reassured her, squeezing her shoulder supportively again before walking over to the bed. “I reassure you ma’am that he will be going to one of the safest, yet nicest, prisons in the country. We have a team of medical professionals there too to help treat his injuries, he will continue to make a full recovery.” I lied.

Surprisingly enough she seemed to believe it, nodding and stepping back as Punz and I allowed our gaze to travel over the heroes. The platinum blond motioned over to the IV connected to one of his arms. “Can we get some sedatives or something put in there?” He asked. “Just to make the trip easier?”

“Of course.” Dr Cole once again nodded. “I can go get some now.” She turned and left in a hurry, the heels of her shoes clicking against the tiled floor. Both Punz and I listened quietly as she left before turning back to Bad, who seemed to be close to stirring, however based on how calm his thoughts were he wasn’t completely up yet, or aware of the situation at all.

“God,” I murmured, a sly smirk growing on my face as I did. “Think how much easier it will be to catch George and Karl and Phil now that we have Bad, especially while he is in such a weak, vulnerable state.”
“And when George and Karl both go, Dream and Sapnap will come running after.”

“Precisely Punz.” I nodded in agreement, before reaching into my pocket and pulling out a pair of handcuffs and securing one cuff around his arm (above his bandages since I didn’t want the hospital staff and Doctor Cole to think of me as that evil). The other end to the metal side rail, before looking up as Punz did the same for his other arm.

We then each pulled out a pair of leg cuffs, attaching them around his ankles to make sure that if Bad did wake up at all during this, it would be much harder for him to fight back. Just as we made sure all the cuffs were secure and not cutting off blood flow the Doctor returned, giving a worried look as she saw what we were doing.

“Are the handcuffs necessary?” She asked cautiously, walking over to be beside the medical bed, and be beside where the platinum blond was standing.
“He can be quite dangerous.” Punz lied his answer as he sent her a side eye. “The handcuffs and legcuffs are to make sure he can’t run up if he wakes up.”

“Oh. I guess that can make sense.” She nodded, before beginning to prepare the sedatives to give to Bad so that he wouldn’t wake up during this. I smiled to myself as I watched what was happening, knowing that this would be one of the biggest steps forward for my plan thus far.
1241 words

Wilbur flirting to get what he wants🤮

Also what is he planning on doing to the poor, innocent Muffin?

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