Chapter 48: Knocking

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Dream POV.

The sparks from his electricity flew through both of our bodies via our lips as they pressed together, and I couldn’t help but moan into the feeling. Without even realising what I was doing I pushed my tongue into his mouth and he moaned around it, leaning into the kiss more, at least as much as the restraints would allow.

After a minute we parted, which felt like a loving eternity, and I turned without saying anything to head upstairs as my thoughts caught up with me. I regretted what I did, I mean he was restrained and couldn’t do anything to make me stop. But at the same time he leaned back into the kiss, he enjoyed it.

For a while I thought about the conundrum, if I was right for kissing the superhero or not. My thoughts were cut off though as I heard the doorbell ring, which caused my gaze to snap up in the direction of the front door.

I shut the door of the basement as I went to see who was there, only stopping for a moment to hide my white smiley face mask and 404’s mask too. They were pushed into the closest cupboard before I stood up and hurried to the door, not wanting to make whoever was there think that I was doing something suspicious.

When I opened the door I saw a man standing there, while maintaining a distance a couple of feet away from me. “Hello?” I greeted, feeling confused as to why a random person was at the door. “Can I help you?”
“Y-yes,” he responded nervously, fidgeting with his hands slightly, which made me suspicious.

“I am from a-uhh news station, and there has been an increase in unemployment rates around this area and I… well I was wondering if you were willing to take a moment to step over to the camera-um o-over here…” He motioned in a direction up the street and I craned my neck slightly to see if I could spot the van but I didn’t see anything.

So I told him that, not hiding how sceptical I was feeling. “I don’t see a van.” I informed him, raising an eyebrow and waiting to see what his response would be.
“T-that's because we started interviewing at the top of the street.” He smiled warily, “and we are working our way down. It would save power by leaving the van up there.”

His excuse was honestly pathetic, I don’t even know if he believed it himself,  but he did seem committed to try and convince me that he was telling me the truth. I obviously didn’t believe him and I had no intention of going wherever it was that he was wanting to take me.

On any other occasion when I had been in one of my safehouses if someone came asking me to do anything remotely strange I would have killed them instantly. I knew that in this situation it would be difficult now solely because I usually can move quickly, and it might be hard to move with a superhero tied up in the basement.

“I’m sorry,” I said with a wary smile at the man. “I have a lot of housework to do, I need to stay and clean before my… wife gets home in an hour.” I didn’t like the mention of me having a wife, or any other partner or family member living with me. Mainly because if they do end up snooping around it will be hard to keep my cover if my supposed roommate never turns up.

The man seemed relieved that I said that I didn’t want to leave, but his demeanour quickly changed again which once again made me question what his true intentions were. “Do you mind if I come inside and ask you some questions? It’ll only take a minute.”
“No.” I answered swiftly. “My house is a mess.”

His eyes widened once again before a small smile graced his lips and he nodded at me before turning on his heel and scurrying off. That confused me even more, but I shut the door nonetheless. However, when I turned around I noticed that Wilbur was standing behind me. Of course he had snuck in through a window while I was distracted.

“Hello Clay,” he greeted with a large smile. He was leaning against the hallway, giving me a small smirk as he wore his stupid superhero costume. Punz was behind him standing quietly.
“Hello Wilbur.” I responded, gritting me teeth as my hand reached for my pocket where I kept my knife, since I had been stupid enough to put my gun down earlier. “Long time no see.”

The brunette sighed overdramatically as he pushed himself off the wall, but he didn’t make any move to come closer to me. “I can’t say that I am surprised that you didn’t fall for that trick, then again the guy I sent wasn’t the most convincing.”
“All of your henchmen do need to improve their acting skills.” I agreed, still keeping my distance.

“Now. I’m not here to chat with you,” He stated, beginning to walk towards me. “I came to take you in. But I also think that I should bring your friend with you. So where exactly is George hiding?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I defended with a scoff, crossing my arms as I did.

“Are you sure?” The ‘hero’ asked in the most disbelieving tone possible. “Strange since I did see photos of you with him yesterday coming to this house, and I’ve had people watching you but nobody saw either of you leaving.” Wilbur chuckled. “I will admit though, I am surprised you two seem to be getting along again. I’d have thought you’d kill him the next time you saw him.”

I remained silent, my hands tightening into fists. Wilbur noticed this and took a step towards me, his smirk growing maniacally. “If you comply Clay, I might be able to get the both of you a nice shared cell since you’re friends again.” He turned to his henchman. “Punz, search the house.”

“You aren’t getting me to come anywhere with you Wilbur,” I spat at him once Punz was gone. “Plus George isn’t even here. So whoever you have watching this house must be really stupid.”
“That’s a shame.” Wilbur hissed through his teeth. “If you’d helped me Clay I could have made prison nice. That same cell offer is still up for grabs. Think about it. Honeymoon suite, nice meals, privacy every night, whatever you need. If you comply I'll make it more like a vacation than a punishment.”

“Too bad I’m not interested in being locked up like a zoo animal.” I held the knife tightly, planning on plunging it into his chest and making him bleed out.
“This is your last chance, Clay.” Wilbur warned a final time. “Turn yourself and George in, or I will have to hurt you. Please don’t make me hurt my ex-best friend.”

From the corner of my eye I could see Punz looking through the living room, why he thought George would be in there I had no idea. My first instinct would have been to check the basement, but if he was an idiot I wasn’t going to complain, losing him might have actually been beneficial to me.

“Where is George?” Wilbur asked, stepping towards me. I didn’t answer, but felt him staring deep into my soul before grinning. “Thank you.” He smirked before calling out to Punz. “Punz! He is in the basement!” In that instant I knew I had to run.
1381 words

Genuine question, if prison like Wilbur described was offered to you would you take it?

Pros include:
• Shared cell with crush (real or fictional)
• 5 star meals.
• Privacy at night for extreme cuddling 😏
• Whatever you need to make the place nice.

Cons include:
• Not being allowed to leave.
• Put on permanent record.
• Might get sick of the person you are in a cell (sharing a bed) with.
• Get two hours at most outside a day.
• Risk of dropping the soap.

Would you allow Wilbur to lock you in the prison?

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