Chapter 49: Untied

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Dream POV.

“Too bad I’m not interested in being locked up like a zoo animal.” I told Wilbur as I held the knife tightly, planning on plunging it into his chest and making him bleed out.
“This is your last chance, Clay.” Wilbur warned a final time. “Turn yourself and George in, or I will have to hurt you. Please don’t make me hurt my ex-best friend.”

From the corner of my eye I could see Punz looking through the living room, why he thought George would be in there I had no idea. My first instinct would have been to check the basement, but if he was an idiot I wasn’t going to complain, losing him might have actually been beneficial to me.

“Where is George?” Wilbur asked, stepping towards me. I didn’t answer, but felt him staring deep into my soul before grinning. “Thank you.” He smirked before calling out to Punz. “Punz! He is in the basement!” In that instant I knew I had to run.

How he found out that the brunette was in the basement I was uncertain, but I forced myself past Wilbur into the dining room which had the entrance to the basement, not even bothering to look for the keys as I kicked the door open and ran down the stairs to where George was sitting tied up.

“Dream?” He asked cautiously, moving away from me (or moving as far as he could as he was still tied to the chair. “What the hell is going-”
“Wilbur is here,” I responded, untying him just as the pair came down the stairs.

Wilbur grinned once he saw George, cooing at us teasingly as he stood at the bottom of the staircase, blocking the way out. “Aww,” he cooed teasingly as he watched the two of us stand beside each other. “You two are so cute together.”
“Piss off Wilbur,” George growled, and I watched as electricity ran through his body.

“Don’t be rude George,” he scolded, talking to the brunette as though he was a young child. “But y’know, I made Dream a deal, which I’ll allow you to take if you want.” His smile fell from a snarky one to more of a sentimental one. “If the two of you come quietly I’ll get you a nice shared cell, and I might even get the guards to give you two some privacy once a week.”

“What?” George questioned, sounding disgusted by what Wilbur was talking about, Wilbur just shrugged as his smirk widened, continuing on with what he was saying.
“If you two still are a couple, which you seem to be, we could set up a cell for the two of you. It will be cosy and romantic, and if you cooperate I might even get them to give you a double bed and some lube.”

“No way in Hell am I ever going with you, plus me and Dream are no longer dating!” The hero beside me yelled at him, and I couldn’t help but feel upset as he said that, although he probably did have a point but I didn’t show them how I was feeling. However I stayed with my knife held up, ready to attack the pair if they

“Well that’s a shame.” Punz huffed, “I have to be honest you two did make a good couple, both of you were quite stupid so you went well with each other.”
That seemed to piss George off, seeing as he shot a lightning bolt at the platinum blond which he was barely able to avoid.

That made me chuckle, and Wilbur laughed too as he turned to me. “You chose a good one Dream,” he complimented. “Very feisty.”
“Then we agree with each other on that at least.” I smiled, charging at him and attempting to slice down his chest with my knife.

He avoided me easily, giving me a smile as he tried to punch me in return, hitting me in the stomach and making me grunt. I grabbed his shoulders and flipped him over, throwing him down onto the concrete floor of the basement, and hearing a loud thud as he head fell against the floor.

I took the chance to look over at George, watching as he threw rapid-fire punches at Punz who was attempting to block them as he backed away into the wall. I couldn’t help but notice the smile ghosting over George’s face as he grabbed Punz’s shoulders and sent a surge of electricity through him while simultaneously sending a kick to the crotch.

Punz fainted almost instantly, his weight falling onto the ground with a loud, painful sounding thud. I turned my attention back to Wilbur, who was still on the ground from when I forced him down. In fact, it seemed that he had some sort of concussion.

I raised my knife over my head, planning to kill him with a swift stab to the chest, however as I was about to plunge it downwards my hands were grabbed and pulled back. As I spun around to attack whoever was stopping me I was shocked to see George staring up at me. “What?” I questioned, feeling annoyed.

“You are not killing him,” George responded. “I will not let you kill him. We will turn him and Punz into the police and hope that they end up getting punished according to law. It’s the right thing to do.”

“Who cares about the law!?” I asked back. “He killed Techno! He tried to kill you! Why shouldn’t we do the same back to him?”
“Because turning him in is the right thing to do.” George responded, crossing his arm and glaring at me.

“Why the fuck should I care about the right thing to do?” I questioned. “If Wilbur walks out of this alive then he might get back on the street and go after you again, and go after me too.”
“Well if you-” I cut the superhero off, motioning for him to be quiet as I heard something from upstairs.

My super hearing made the sound of sirens quite clear from where they were driving down the street from somewhere above ground. “We need to go now,” I stated, glancing at the brunette who was giving me a confused look. However, he just nodded, seemingly knowing that I was concerned for a good reason.

Just for good measure I kicked Wilbur in the stomach, no matter how much I wanted to kill him at the moment I knew that if I did that I would be caught and arrested. So the two of us sprinted up the stairs and out the back door of the house, easily jumping the back fence before disappearing into the night.
1165 words

Dam George and his model code. This story could have been at least twenty to thirty chapters later. But, you know, I have to stretch out the story to a longer than it is.

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