Recap: 2 minutes

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Welcome everyone, I guess, to Antiheroes. It said in the description but I wanted to repeat here that this is a sequel.
The first book is called Heroes and you can find it in my bio.

Spoilers will be ahead so make sure you are caught up.

George POV.

2:00, 1:59, 1:58

For a moment all of us were frozen, unsure of what we could do as we stared at the bomb in disbelief. Wilbur’s words echoed in our minds, trying to make sense of everything that was happening. Was this really it? Were we going to die, being blown up by a bomb in an abandoned warehouse?

It honestly seemed like it. Unfortunately for Karl and his superhero and spy fan status, it seemed as though there wouldn’t be a secret exit or escape plan or a flaw in the villains plan that the heroes could exploit. If only real life were as simple as that.

1:43, 1:42, 1:41

“Foolish did you build this bomb?” Karl asked, turning to look at his friend from work who was still standing awkwardly in the corner and trying not to shake with worry, clearly not used to these situations.

“Yeah,” Foolish stated, seeming to feel an immense wave of guilt as he admitted it. “Dream made me design it, I recognise it but Wilbur made several modifications.”
“It doesn’t look like a normal bomb,” Bad muttered, walking tentitively closer to it to examine it better, and Skeppy nodded in agreement.

1:35, 1:34, 1:33

“It’s not a normal bomb. I don’t deal with bombs, I do medicine. I barely knew what I was doing, I was just trying to protect Sam and Ponk.” He admitted.
“It looks like a blockbuster bomb, I remember learning about them.” Skeppy stated, “but it could also be Trinitrotoluene… er TNT.”

“Well, do you know how to disable it?” I asked either of them, since it seemed that the ravenette knew a little about explosives too.”
Foolish didn’t answer, but Skeppy did. “I am not sure, Wilbur was great when it comes to explosives, studied them for years. He could have modified it easily.”

1:21, 1:20, 1:19

“Still, we could check it out,” Ranboo offered, walking over to the bomb in the middle of the room, trying to cover his terrified face with an expression I can only call ‘Tommy-like’.
He knelt down with furrowed brows and tentatively put his hand on the timer, before sliding it over the rest of the casing to see what it was made of.

1:17, 1:16, 1:15

“There is no way we can open it, the casing is covered in screws that are too tight to remove by hand.” He muttered once he stood back up, and all of us were disappointed at the conclusion.
“Does anybody have anything they could use as a screwdriver yet?” Tubbo then asked, looking around at each of us expectantly.

“I can guarantee if Phil, George, Foolish, or I had something we could use we’d have found a way to bust out of here,” was the only verbal response, given by Karl.
“Well I have a folding knife.” Skeppy stated, and at his words I turned to glare at him.

1:09, 1:08, 1:07

“Wouldn’t that have been useful earlier?” I asked him in an accusatory tone. “Why didn’t you bring it up until now, gem thief?”
“Because you’d probably arrest me the moment we got out of here George, we all know it. Plus I am surprised you haven’t zapped everyone at the damn dock yet!”

“You’re not allowed to refer to me by my name,” I growled, allowing a few weak sparks to fly from my fists as I balled them up. “If you do I’ll have you fried before you say diamond.”
“Well at least I am not dating someone who wears a mask that looks like it was drawn by a three year old.” He shot back.

“And it seems that you are scared of that--”
“Both of you stop it.” Philza cut me off. “Yes, most of us probably hate each other right now but can we go at each other's throats after we survive this bomb?”

0:51, 0:50, 0:49

Skeppy and I both grumbled something before he pulled out a small knife from his pocket and walked over to the bomb, kneeling down in front of it before trying his best to undo the screws which were wound in tightly. “Are you sure that he is someone we can trust?” I asked Bad and Karl quietly as I stood between them.

“I mean Karl and I were both patted down for weapons and he wasn’t, how do we know that he wasn’t planted in here as a mole by Wilbur?”
“If he was planted by Wilbur, why would he help us?” Bad asked in return.
“True,” I agreed, “but how do we know he won’t stab us the second the bomb’s off?”

0:38, 0:37, 0:36

“You realise I can hear you right?” Skeppy spoke, without moving his eyes away from what he was doing. “Why would I stab you once the bomb was deactivated? It would just mean I was trapped in here on my own.”
“You’ve got a point there,” I grumbled, before hearing a sound which made me freeze.

It was the sound of something small and metallic clinking against the floor, and the group instantly rushed over to see if anything had changed. The ravenette had already removed three of the screws, but the other two had fallen onto his lap and so none of us had heard them.

0:29, 0:28, 0:27

We all watched desperately as Skeppy removed the fourth and final screw of the cover, before pulling it off to reveal all of the wires inside. “Shit,” Foolish muttered when he gazed down at it, and all of us looked over at him to see what was wrong, but he was staring at the same place we were.

“What’s wrong?” Phil asked, trying to look between the taller male and the bombs components.
“He’s messed with the wires, that’s what.” Foolish responded. “When I made the bomb I made them different colours for the ‘cut the red wire’ if it was needed. Now, instead of a green, a red, a blue, and a yellow wire, there are four black wires.”

0:14, 0:13, 0:12

“I could try and use my electricity, but I don’t know how long I’ll be able to control it for, after using so much earlier.” I said, kneeling down in front of the bomb beside Skeppy and trying to see if there was anything that I could do, but not daring to touch anything.

Skeppy scoffed, “Wouldn’t that have been useful earlier? Why didn’t you bring it up until now, hero?” he asked, mimicking what I said earlier.
“Skeppy stop it,” Bad scolded, while watching as I worked, trying to figure out what I should do.

“I didn’t use it earlier because I had drained my power to keep us out of the dark for almost twelve hours. Plus there was no food, water, or even a bathroom break.” I informed him, glaring for a moment before Karl tapped me on the shoulder.
“George, do whatever, we’re almost out of time.” He told me, and I nodded.

0:05, 0:04, 0:03, 0:02
1265 words

Welcome back everyone who has read Heroes. Bet you all remember when I left you on a cliffhanger here last time.

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