Chapter 30: Detonation

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Sapnap POV.

Watching the interview Wilbur was having probably wasn’t good for my health, since with every word he said my vision grew darker, until I couldn’t focus on anything other than his stupid shit eating grin. Part of me knew I should probably change the channel because of how this was making me act, but I didn’t.

Karl was beside me, crying at this point in my arms. The simple fact that he was beside me shaking worriedly while he stared at the screen from beside me. Seeing the teleporter's expression made me want to head down to the TV studio right now and set it on fire. However I didn’t want to leave Karl alone.

“I hope that one day the heroes who had lied to you about protecting this great city will change their ways. I want to be able to see them use their powers to actually benefit society. In order to do that I need your help to find them.” A large uproar of support echoed through the room as the anger continued to boil up inside of me. I was close to snapping at this point.

Not a sense of remorse was in Wilbur’s voice as he finished. “The two heroes that are still in L’manburg are Karl Jacobs, and George Davidson. The base where they have been living for the past couple months are the warehouses down by the docks. It is also the place Sapnap, Skeppy, and Dream use for their base of operation. You will possibly find them there.”


That snapped me out of whatever dark thought process I had found myself in. Watching him smile after he had said that told me that what I had thought I heard was correct. Karl still seemed to be processing what he said as I stood up, running off up the stairs and leaving him alone.

‘I will comfort him later’ I told myself, for now though I needed to grab the stuff I needed most and get out of here. People seemed to be following what Wilbur said blindly, meaning that they were probably gathering a mob to swarm the place right now. I needed to grab what was essential and then the two of us needed to get out of here.

Once I was in my room, I grabbed a plain black backpack, not the most formal of things for a criminal to have but still practical. I knew most of the stuff I had in here I could replace easily, and so I just stuffed some clothes that belonged to me and Karl in, along with a couple of weapons, my phone charger, and some food and drink from my minifridge.

After grabbing most of the plain things, I walked over to a safe that was in the corner of the room, hidden behind a poster which nobody would think to check for stuff around.Once I had put in the combination, I grabbed out a couple of bundles of unmarked bills, before reaching into the very back and grabbing out a remote, with only one button on it.

When Dream, Skeppy, and I had originally found this place we had each gotten one of these, planting explosives throughout the majority of the buildings in case we ever needed to make a quick getaway and dispose of evidence. It can be used to activate explosives within a mile, and gives a ten second countdown once it’s pressed until detonation.

I pocketed it, planning to only use it if and when it was absolutely necessary. Then I looked around, checking to see if there was anything else we needed, trying to think ahead to hours, days, or even weeks in the future to try and predict if there was anything else in the bedroom that I needed urgently.

My thought process was cut off however, when I heard something that sounded heavy colliding with the wall to my left. I didn’t have a window, however now that I listened I could hear people calling out loudly. It seemed that Wilbur’s mob of followers had arrived.

“Karl!” I called out loudly as I bolted back in the direction of the living room. “Are you okay? We need to go!” I reached the living room, only to see him teary-eyed, still staring at the interview on the TV. It was as if he hadn’t even acknowledged everything that was said, and that he didn’t know the reality of the situation.

“Karl,” I repeated, in a softer voice this time. Warily, the teleporter turned to look at me, blinking back tears as he did and I took his hands in mine. “We need to go. Do you think you can get us somewhere?” I asked as the banging and chanting got louder from outside.There was a moment of hesitation before Karl nodded, standing up shakily as he did.

I pulled the remote out of my pocket and told him to wait until I told him to teleport us, which he seemed to understand. Since this had been our ‘home’, at least for the time being, the sociopath, the gem thief, and I, had put the most amount of dynamite in here, almost twice as much as anywhere else. That was hopefully going to be used to my advantage.

My eyes darted around the room, waiting for the first sign of anyone breaking in as I held Karl tightly with the hand that wasn’t clutching the remote. The brunette was shivering silently in my arms, but still managed to keep his focus. By now he must have realised what was going on, what could happen to us.

Under any other situation, I would have taken the time to pity him. Weeks ago, before the explosion that injured Bad, and before Wilbur exposed Karl as a hero, he would not be scared half to death in a situation like this, but now, it was as if he was a totally different person. One who was timid, and cautious of everything.

Suddenly someone burst into the room, a smirk growing on the familiar face of the platinum blond as Punz stepped to the side, letting other people in to charge at us. Some of them held weapons, armed with guns, and axes, and butcher knives, while others had anything they could find to defend themselves; a rolling pin, and a sharp stick among them.

I didn’t bother waiting around as I pressed down on the button, starting the ten second timer that would have this place up in flames, Karl and I would be up in flames too if we didn’t get out of there, so I gave him the signal.

Over the loud yelling of the angry mob I told him to go, my eyes having screwed shut so I wouldn’t see how close to being grabbed and killed we were. Karl seemed to have done the same, and he had buried his head into my neck as he teleported off, his eyes also forced shut too.

Now, I have never been an overly religious type, but I prayed to whatever god or goddess might be out there that we’d get out of this alive. I didn’t know why I expected that to work, since why would any mythical, all powerful being listen to the prayers of a dangerous (although handsome) arsonist, over loyal believers who were probably praying for me to get killed.

But apparently, whoever or whatever was listening decided to take pity on us. The colder, corrugated, gloomy feeling of the warehouses down at the docks had gone, instead filled with one that was more warm. And as I inhaled I noticed a lack of fish, which was great after having to live with it for so long,

Another smell that had taken its place though, was the smell of Karl (not in a gross way, but just the smell of his shampoo, or whatever it’s called). My eyes opened to see the two of us standing in a bedroom, which had seemed quite small, but in a good, cosy sort of way.

My hand tightened around the remote detonator as I let go of Karl, who was panting as he looked at me. I was kind of annoyed that we were inside, since I wanted to see what had happened, however I was also grateful that we were both safe.

Watching him panting for a couple of seconds was all my patience could handle though, because as I looked around I couldn’t help but wonder the question. “Hey Karl,” I spoke softly, causing his glance to shift and look at me. “Where exactly are we?”

The brunette’s tired gaze softened as he looked into my confused eyes. Then he simply answered, ‘my home,’ before leaving it at that.
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