Chapter 43: Waking up

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George POV.

My head felt numb and heavy as my eyes fluttered open, only to be met with darkness. I was in a room I didn’t recognise, feeling tense and sitting rigidly as I tried to figure out where I was, based on my surroundings. It was difficult to tell where I was, but I could see the outline of a brick wall, and the doorway.

I screwed my eyes shut tightly and tried to figure out what had happened and how I got here. All that I remembered was me helping that injured man home. I don’t remember anything else except the fact that he had offered to let me inside and get me some sort of a drink as a thank you.

So my mind ultimately went to thinking about him. He must have drugged me, or knocked me unconscious somehow, but now I was just trying to figure out why. My main thought was that maybe the police had put a reward out for my capture, and so he was going to turn me in.

There was a loud squeak coming from a door which was thrown open. It caused a little bit of light to leak into the room and allowed me to see what was happening. Footsteps descended down the stairs and I was immediately nervous, wondering who it was that had locked me in this basement.

Another panicked part of me realised that I wasn’t wearing my mask. Which means that whoever had taken me now knew my identity, and that means that I will most likely have to find a way to wipe their memory to stop them from telling everyone (if I can escape and figure that they are not trustworthy).

And that’s when he came into my sight, making me freeze, my jaw was agape.


He was wearing the white smiley face mask as he walked down the stairs and towards me. Then there was  I couldn’t see his eyes but I could tell he was looking only at me and nothing else. The room had been silent when I had woken up, but now it was somehow even more silent.

“Hello George,” he greeted, his tone betraying the expression on his mask as he appeared absolutely bored. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Dream,” I responded, my mouth feeling dry as I looked at him. I didn’t know what he wanted, however I decided to go into an explanation, mainly because I felt he deserved one.

“L-L-Listen. I can exp-explain why what happened happened…” I began stuttering out an explanation, however he cut me off as he cupped my cheek and forced our gazes to meet..
“Shhh Georgie,” he cooed. “I don’t care about an explanation.”

“Really?” I asked again, my voice growing quieter since I knew that he probably wouldn’t forgive me, so there had to be some deeper meaning to that.
“Yes,” he stated, his cold hand brushing against my cheek, making me shiver slightly although (deep down) I missed his touch.

“I don’t care about an explanation,” he said firmly, letting go of my face and moving away. “I care about the fact that you were a superhero.” Dream’s voice was firm and scarily quiet. “You found out so many secrets, secrets that I’ve killed other people for knowing. You should feel lucky I decided not to kill you.”

Even though he was good at hiding his emotions, I could tell he felt hurt. I sighed slightly before responding. “Dream, I’m so-”
“No you are not.” He cut me off, sounding angrier now as he returned to me and grabbed my shoulders. “You clearly were spying. Wilbur called you out, I saw Karl teleport!”

Now I couldn’t help but snap back at him, not caring about the fact that he had me restrained in a creepy basement, or about the fact that he had a gun which he could use to shoot me. “So you trusted Wilbur more than you trusted me!?” I snapped. “You knew what Wilbur was like and you trusted him, even after he had tried to kill me, even when at the time you had no proof!”

“Well he was right, wasn’t he?” The blond asked in response. I was feeling agitated now, and glared at him before sending a shockwave through my body, trying to hurt him. I didn’t mean to let out so much energy, however afterwards I was exhausted, leaning back and painting. My gaze lowered to see he was wearing rubber, so he was unaffected.

He lifted his mask as I sat slumped in my chair, trying to regain my breath. Dream was now smirking at me as he took my chin in his hand. “I hate that you thought you would get away with it. But you still have your stubborn, fiery personality that I fell deeply in love with Georgie.”

Before I could react, he pressed our lips together in a firm kiss. I whined against him, hating the fact that I enjoyed it after he just kidnapped me. A few sparks flew between our lips, making me enjoy it even more. After a couple seconds of heaven though I was brought back to Earth as he readjusted his mask and walked out of the room.

Tommy POV.

I hated how pathetic I looked, curled up in the corner of a freezing room that seemed more like a prison cell.than an actual room. The only furniture was a bed and a desk, both of which were covered in dust and cobwebs.

So I sat in a corner, trying not to allow myself to cry pathetically like a child. All that I wanted to do was go find Phil. I hated how that seemed like the best plan of action. The last time I went to Phil for comfort was when I was about eight years old and I had a nightmare. It was just after Wilbur had left, and now he had come back and I needed comfort from Phil again.

I wasn’t just scared for myself though. I was scared for Tubbo and Ranboo. The two of them were with me when I passed out. Maybe they were in this place in another room, feeling just as terrified as I was, or maybe they had been killed trying to help me. Either option wasn’t good to think about, but I knew that I wanted to check.

“Tubbo!” I called out, before listening for any sound of response. “Ranboo!” There was no answer from either of my friends, and so I continued. “Please. Can either of you hear me? Are you two okay?”
“Tommy,” I heard someone respond, making me look over in the direction of the door.

Wilbur was there, standing in the open doorway and watching me. My eyes widened in fear and I shuffled back slightly, trying to get away from him. He gave me a look that I think was meant to be comforting as he approached me, however all that my brother made me do was tense up more.
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