M!Reader - Ranboo/Billzo

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Not that I ship the CC, I just think they have some interesting chemistry as friends and wanted to play around with a polyamory chapter. Who better than the BonesDuo? Plus going back into an apocalypse sounded like fun.

Enjoy the long ass chapter as an apology for being gone for so long.

You ducked into the alley, quickly climbing up the hidden ladder in the side of the building. Bricks stuck out at awkward angles that were enough for you to scramble up, but most of the larger adults or undead roaming the streets couldn't quite get their footing. On the roof, you got a better view of the swarm in the street that had started trailing you. They clawed at the wall, unable to get up just like you'd tested before. You took a deep breath and flopped back onto the roof, catching your breath for a moment. The cities were pretty divided when it came to who could and couldn't reach what. Adults mostly kept streets and outer town to themselves, only allowing younger family inside when needed. Young adults stuck to rooftops and the upper floors of abandoned buildings. It was almost like an unspoken rule between everyone. Those who could reach the roof would stay there, leaving the other spots open to those who needed them.

The sun disappeared for a moment and you opened your eyes, shocked to find someone standing over you. Dark blond hair fell in his eyes, the lower half of his face covered by a black mask.

"Ran!" You heard footsteps as someone else approached, stopping next to 'Ran.' "I wasn't expecting company." The other guy had black hair with a headband holding part of it out of eyes. He was much shorter than Ran and seemed to be from the UK.

Ran eyed you wearily. "Do you have any weapons on you?"

"Well yeah, I was just running for my life down in the street." You carefully pulled out the bat from under the bag laying next to you, setting it aside to try and assure their comfort. They were in the position of power right now after all, you were flat on your back.

He seemed to visibly relax and offer you a hand up. You considered for a moment before taking it, allowing him to help you onto your feet. Face-to-face, he was a lot taller than you'd previously thought, pretty much towering over you. "I'm Y/N by the way."

The shorter of the two smirked at you slightly. "Bill. That's Ran."

"Ranboo works too." Ranboo's eyes showed he was smiling under the mask. "Nice to meet you."

You smiled slightly and nodded. "You too. Do you uh... have anywhere to stay?"

Bill shrugged. "We've been shacking wherever possible, so not really."

The two of them didn't look much older than you, and you hesitated before offering: "You could stay with me. Strength in numbers and all."

"You'd... really offer shelter to two guys you just met?" Ranboo sounded incredulous.

"If you wanted to hurt me, you would've done it already. I was laying on the ground and you had every opportunity to do some damage."

He hummed before nodding. "I guess that makes sense..." He glanced at Bill, leaning over to mumble something. They talked for a little bit before they both turned back to you. "If you're okay with us staying with you, then I guess it's okay with us too."

You smiled, glad to have a bit of company in the middle of an apocalypse. "Just follow me." You led them along the abandoned buildings, hopping over holes and gaps between them and taking short breaks so you could be sure they were keeping up. You got to the smashed windows of an old office building and pushed a hung tarp aside, showing off the inside. You'd cleared out almost the entire floor, stacking old desks and partitions to be reused and divide the floor into an almost home layout. A blocked off area for sleeping with lots of good views down onto the street, just in case. There was another part that you assumed used to be a higher-ups office that you used for food and supply storage. It was the furthest from your entrance, and therefore, the best defended.

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