Sweater Thief (M!Reader)

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Ranboo was in the middle of a facecam stream with Tubbo. They were playing VR games again and Tubbo was currently in the headset, since they decided on Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes again. The screaming and celebrating had woken you up from a nap and you lazily threw on a hoodie over your shirt, wandering out into the common area to look for a snack. You rummaged around in the kitchen, settling on a bag of pretzels and a can of Coke before heading into where they were streaming and plopping down on a couch to watch them.  Ranboo glanced up at you as you entered, readjusting his mask slightly. "Hey Y/N- are... are you wearing my hoodie?"

"What?" Tubbo stopped whatever he was doing in the lobby of the game, looking around.

"He's- on the couch behind you."

You blushed and looked down, realizing you were in fact wearing Ranboo's large, color splotch hoodie. "Maybe I am. Want it back?"

Ranboo shook his head and you could tell he was smiling, despite the mask and glasses.

"Can we get back to the game now?"

"Right, sorry-" They delved back into the game, having gotten a hang of the mass amount of mods they installed last stream.

You smiled softly and pulled up chat on your phone, blushing at the people spamming to see you on cam with Ranboo's hoodie. Or just spamming your 'ship name.' You were already together but hadn't told the public, wanting some time to yourselves without the fans watching your every move. They already did, but it would get worse if you admitted you were dating.

You just snuggled into the very oversized hoodie and watched chat talk about whatever was going on in the headset, commenting on the way Ranboo and Tubbo worked together.

Eventually they switched to Job Simulator, Tubbo having had enough of being blown up. You watched the way that Ranboo worked on the stream, laughing at chat and thanking donors. "Sub goal? Oh dang, we did hit it! Uh, I didn't really have anything laid out for it..." He glanced at his (secret) boyfriend. "Y/N do you want to join the stream maybe? Tubbo should probably take a break soon."

The second he mentioned it, the chat exploded with requests for you to join as the subgoal. You chuckled and set your phone down, getting up. "Yeah, sure. I'm always down for some Job Simulator."

Tubbo slipped the headset off, smiling. "There you go." He flopped on the couch and picked up your phone, checking chat. The moment he stepped into frame, Tubbo started cackling. "They're all just commenting on the jumper. 'You're swimming in fabric.'"

You blushed softly and slipped the headset on, getting used to the controls and resetting some of the boundaries. "I mean, Ranboo is like a foot taller than me-"

Ranboo made a mock offended sound. "Our torsos are the same size!"

"Semantics." You snorted as you looked at the state of the VR kitchen space of the chef job. "Tubbo you're never making dinner-"

"Hey!" You could just tell that he was pouting even though you couldn't see, starting to screw around in the kitchen. You still managed to get the jobs done that you needed, making jokes and commentary along the way.

"Cup of liquid? Well alright then-" You jokingly held the controller with the VR cup near your crotch before Ranboo started yelling in protest and Tubbo cackled over him. You just grinned and threw the fake cup in Ranboo's general direction, grabbing another and filling it with soap to give to the robot.

"Y/N please-"

"Awww, c'mon, it's a little funny."

"Not really."

"Hey, you asked me to play and I just woke up, you should've been expecting this."

You moved along to the store clerk job, messing around with customer's orders. At one point, the room around you went eerily quiet. "Ranboo?" You turned around, trying to look around despite the headset. You were surprised by a pair of arms around your waist, lifting you up with a laugh. "Ranboo!"

"We hit the new subgoal!"

You just huffed playfully and went limp, causing Ranboo to lose his grip and almost drop you. "I know your tricks, tall man! Come at me!" You jokingly looked around, holding your fists up like you were going to box with someone you couldn't see. Ranboo laughed, having gone back to the desk to monitor the stream.

"They're asking if you want to do a FNAF VR stream sometime."

You sighed and slouched. "I plan to eventually but I'd rather not do it right after I've woken up." You threw the order ticket at JobBot, smacking him right in the screen.

After another half hour of fucking around, Ranboo's clapping startled you a little.  "Alright, I think that'll be the stream for today. See you all in the next one!"

You waved to the camera in VR, holding a firework in-game. You took the headset off once the stream was done, stretching and trying to keep yourself from getting a headache. "Oh god, that was too long in the headset-"

Ranboo smiled sympathetically, having already taken off the mask and glasses, handing you a water bottle, which you gladly accepted. "So... my hoodie?"

You blushed and drank the water, making sweater paws after you'd set it down by the controllers. "It was the one I happened to grab after my nap..."

Tubbo had long since left the room, leaving your phone on the couch and you two alone in the room. Ranboo smiled and bent down to peck you on the lips. "It- it looks cute on you."

You smiled and blushed more, hugging Ranboo and hiding your face in his chest. "Thanks."

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