My Prince (M!Reader)

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There will be some angst in this one but it won't last for super long. Fantasy AU, it'll explain itself from there.

TW: Brief talk of suicidal topics/suicide towards the end of the chapter. Please be careful.

You jogged down the halls of the castle to find the prince's chambers, knocking softly when you arrived. You heard him call to come in, obviously already up. You opened the door, smiling softly. "Good morning, your highness."

He turned to you with a small smile. "I told you a thousand times, you don't need to call me that. Wilbur is just fine."

"I'm your advisor, I'm supposed to address you formally-"

"There's no one else here, Y/N."

You smiled shyly. "Fine, Wilbur. But we need to get going, you have some meetings to attend. I'll step out while you dress, I assume you've already eaten-"

"Y/N, calm down, I checked the schedule, we have at least an hour." He sat on his bed and leaned back on his hands, smiling at you. "So, is your mom with dad?"

You nodded, sitting next to him and sighing, "Yeah, she's been giving me some lessons lately. It's so stressful... I miss when we could just run around the castle together with no cares..."

He laughed softly and put his chin on your shoulder. "I mean..."

"Wilbur, no, we have to get ready for when you take the throne." He groaned and leaned on you more, arms wrapping around your waist. You huffed softly, blushing and wrapping an arm around him. "You're insufferable."

He just laughed at that.

Late in the day, during a rare meeting where the whole court was gathered, King Philza announced there would be a ball to celebrate Wilbur's marriage to an allying kingdom's princess. Your heart dropped at that. You'd known it was coming, it happened all the time in royal families, especially with the child set to be ruler. The 'bloodline needed to be preserved,' but it didn't make it hurt any less. You slumped in your chair slightly, making Wilbur glance at you from the corner of his eye.

You knew a marriage would make the allegiance between kingdoms stronger, and they could produce an heir. But at the same time, you were hopelessly in love with the prince. Growing up together, basically just you and his siblings, gave you a bond that you'd never had with anyone before. You couldn't tell if he felt the same though, but surely no one could be excited about an arranged marriage.

Later, as you were walking the halls together before the ball, there was a tense silence. Serving staff and other workers dashed passed the two of you, getting ready for tomorrow. "So... Have you met her?"

He nodded solemnly, eyes focused on the stones of the castle. "She's... alright. Not really my type, though. Much too serious." He grinned at you like it was supposed to be an inside joke, making you blush lightly and look down, folding your hands behind your back.

"I'm... anxious to meet her. A marriage would be a good alliance-"

"I don't want to marry her." You hesitated slightly at that, glancing at him. "I have... someone else in mind..."

"Really?" You pushed down the lump forming in your throat, staring ahead. "Do I... know them?"

"M- maybe." You came to the door to his chambers, letting your arms rest at your side for a moment. You felt a hand on yours and turned to look at him, blushing darker.

"Wilb-" He pulled you close, gently cradling your cheek with his other hand but stopping right before your lips touched.

"Can... can I kiss you...?"

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