Tyrant Pt. 2 (M!Reader

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My friend wanted me to be mean and wait longer to post this.  My other friend said to wait a week.  I'm being nice, enjoy.

Toby unlocked it carefully using the key he'd snuck during the day, immediately grabbing the other by the wrist and pulling him out. Ascending the stairs was more nerve wracking than anything he'd done all day, which was saying something. At the top, his father stood there with two guards flanking him, a disappointed look stretched across his face.

"I thought I raised you better than this, Toby."

He pushed the cat boy behind him, glancing between his father and the guards. "Dad, I-"

He felt Y/N move before the edge of a knife was pressed lightly against his throat, causing his breath to hitch.


You weren't thinking, you just reacted. "Back up. Now!" Schlatt raised his hands, the guards lowering their weapons.

"Y/N what do you think you're doing-" Toby whispered. You simply shifted the knife slightly to silence him, not pushing enough to hurt, just enough to get the point across.

"What do you want...?" God, Schlatt's voice just made you want to kick his face in.

"My freedom. And I take your precious prince with me until I can guarantee you're not following me."

You could see him tense and feel his glare, but you wouldn't back down. You'd gotten Toby into this mess, you were going to get him out however you could.

"Fine... just go." His voice was a low growl, and you took the chance to bolt, grabbing Toby's hand. You couldn't hear any footsteps behind you, but your heart was pounding in your ears so loudly.

You didn't know how long you ran for until Toby was pulling on your hand, making you slow to a stop. You tumbled to the ground and panted heavily, feeling him do much the same next to you. "G- god that was so terrifying." You hated the way your voice shook, your entire body trembling with the exhaustion now settling in. You felt him wrap you in a bear hug, making you start to cry softly. Almost a month. That's how long you'd been locked in the cold cell. Toby's warmth felt amazing, especially since you'd managed to get so close in that time.

"I thought they were going to kill you..." His voice was soft, and he buried his face in your shirt, trying to get you a bit closer. You stayed like that for a while, just holding one another in the dark of the forest.


Toby pulled back eventually, calmed down significantly. "I remembered to grab this..." He pulled out his pack, watching the way Y/N's eyes lit up.

"You- DICKHEAD!" Y/N shoved him lightly, laughing. "Jesus, I thought we were going into this with nothing and you're just being a dick and not telling me you brought the backpack."

He laughed and fell over slightly, "I got kind of distracted by you grabbing me."

"Fair enough." He watched Y/N grab the pack and start to pull things out as he stretched. He'd never really run that much and his lungs burned slightly.


You found the little tent kit he'd managed to pack and started to set it up, glancing at Toby every now and then. He pulled a small lantern from his pack and lit it, setting it down so you could see better as you set it up. Once it was done, you unrolled some of the bedrolls and laid them out for you both. Then you remembered the pain in your side and winced, finally feeling it again. He peeked inside, seeing you curled up on the ground. "Y/N? Are you alright?" You felt his hand on your back, clutching your side.

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