Stream House (NB!Reader)

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You wrapped up your stream just in time for one of Ranboo's, smiling to yourself and tuning in. It was a benchtrio one, you could kind of hear Tommy's screaming from across the house while they messed around in a mod. It seemed like Tommy had decided to go back to the morph mod, since it was a fan favorite and generated a lot of jokes. They were currently running around the world as chickens, jumping off of the highest points they could find to float down.

You tuned it out partially for a while, doing your work while the stream went and watched on your personal account so the fans wouldn't freak out that you were watching. There was some chatter about cats and you heard your name pop up. Tommy and Tubbo seemed to be teasing Ranboo about something, but you weren't sure why you'd be brought up.

"C'mon big man, you gotta tell them eventually." Tubbo made the topic so casual while still poking at Ranboo slightly.

"No! Shut up, I don't have a crush-"

"You totally do!" You could hear Tommy yelling through the wall, smacking Ranboo in-game.

You glanced at the chat and saw a spam of your name mixed with Ranboo's before the mods managed to step in. Your face flushed slightly as you watched the scene unfold, tapping the desk as you considered how to react. Should you reveal that you were watching? Go talk to one of them in person since you could just... go to their room? Eventually you heard Ranboo sigh and mumble something, causing chat to start going at light speed. Tubbo started yelling more, "REPEAT THAT, REPEAT THAT."

Ranboo huffed and repeated it a bit louder. "Maybe I do have a crush on Y/N..." You felt your face burn as you pushed away from your setup, leaving the half finished drawing on your desk as you headed to Ranboo's room. You knocked lightly, making sure it wouldn't register on his stream, even if he'd need to excuse himself. There was a tense moment of silence before he opened the door, his face looking as red as yours felt. It seemed like he put the pieces together pretty quickly as he covered his face. "Oh god you were watching, weren't you-"

You quickly bear-hugged him, burying your face in his chest. He tensed before lightly hugging back. "I like you too, you dork."

"Wait... wait really?" You pulled back and smiled shyly, nodding up at him. A goofy smile spread across his face as he hugged you more, picking you up slightly. He set you down and turned back to his stream sheepishly. "Crap... I should probably get back. Chat's gonna be going crazy."

You laughed softly, stepping inside with him to watch the madness. Before he even put his headphones back on, you could hear your other two housemates screaming about his silence.

"Ranboo! Did you die from embarrassment?!"

"Shut up, Tommy." Despite being flustered, you heard something in his voice you hadn't heard before. It sounded... lighter. You laughed softly to prevent your voice from being picked up by the mic, covering your mouth as well just in case. He gave you a look that made it seem like he was annoyed, but his eyes were fond.

You clamped your hand over your mouth tighter, backing away from his desk. He carried on with most of the stream like nothing had happened, ignoring the comments pouring in about it for the most part. Tommy and Tubbo kept teasing, and they'd freak out when they learned what really happened.

Towards the end, you wanted a better view, so you stood behind Ranboo's chair and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, resting your chin on his head. It'd never work when he was standing, it'd have to be the other way around, and you'd relish it while you could. He immediately started stuttering slightly, one of his hands moving up to brush your arm gently before going back to playing Minecraft, leaning back more.

You giggled softly and watched the chat, seeing them comment on the stuttering and trying to find the reason. You gently ran your fingers through Ranboo's hair after he ended the stream, grinning. "So... should we tell Tommy and Toby?"

He hummed and leaned his head back to look up at you, smiling shyly. "Maybe we should wait a bit-"

"RANBOO!" You heard Tommy banging down the stairs to Ranboo's room, making you laugh and lean on his chair. "WE'RE GONNA GET YOU A SIGNIFICANT OTHER."

"I guess he has other plans. Wait until he hears he doesn't get to make any plans for you."

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