Sweater (NB!Reader)

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You could hear Wilbur yelling from the area where he usually streamed or recorded, rolling over in bed to try and take a nap. It didn't really work though, the bed felt so empty with just one person. You got up and rummaged around in the drawers before you found one of Wilbur's sweaters. It still smelled like him, despite having been through the wash. You slipped it on over your head and giggled softly to yourself as you flapped the overhang on your hands before climbing back into bed, pulling the covers over and yawning widely.

Another of Wilbur's shouts echoed through the space, but this time it didn't seem to bother you as much. With the combined weight and comfort of the sweater, you drifted off within moments, curled up under the covers.

You felt the bed dip and stirred awake, turning towards the disturbance. "Mmmm?"

You heard Wilbur laugh softly and felt him kiss your forehead. "Hey there..." He grinned as you opened your eyes, shifting closer to pull him into cuddles. "I see you're wearing my jumper."

You hummed and nodded, burying your face in his chest. "You're not gettin' it back anytime soon."

He chuckled and rubbed your back, kissing the top of your head. "I wasn't going to ask for it back. It looks adorable on you."

You blushed and hugged him around the waist, yawning softly and pulling him closer. "Did you have fun in your stream?"

"Yeah, I would've been quieter if you'd told me you were napping-"

"It didn't bother me too much... don't worry about it, Wil."

"Are you sure?"

You loved that about him, how considerate he was, but right now, you just wanted to cuddle and nap with your boyfriend. "'M sure. Right now, I just never want to let go."

He shifted to run his fingers through your hair, humming softly. "Me neither."

You giggled softly and curled into him, slowly drifting off, assuming he was close behind you.

A few hours later, you shifted awake, propping yourself up on one elbow. Wilbur was still fast asleep, hair strewn across his face as he dozed, arm firmly around your waist. You blushed, knowing that even while he was sleeping, he wanted to keep you close. You gently brushed the hair away from his face and pressed a kiss to his cheek, letting your fingers ghost down his jawline. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned softly, shifting before smiling at the sight of you in his sweater (or jumper as he called it.) "Good morning."

He laughed gently, leaning into your hand a little. "I don't think it's morning, darling."

You blushed and kissed his nose. "Shut up, it's the thought that counts."

He smiled and gently kissed you, holding you close. In your opinion, the day couldn't really have gone any better.

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