Warm (NB!Reader)

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A quick one because I've been busy but I know y'all want an update so have Tommy being affectionate, because I felt like it.  I have another Ranboo chapter in the works as we speak, I just need a little more time to work on it when I don't have school work to catch up on ;3


You knew that Tubbo and Tommy generated a lot of heat, but did that really mean you constantly had to have the A.C. up so high? Bundling up was better than having them burn up though, so you just had to deal with it. You wrapped your second blanket around you on the couch, trying to focus on the movie you were watching.

You heard Tommy wrapping up his stream before he appeared in the doorway to his room, snorting at the sight of you. "Is it really that cold?"

You glared playfully, pulling the blanket closer. "Yes, dickhead. You generate so much heat, we have to keep it cold so you don't overheat like a shitty laptop."

He laughed and sat next to you, leaning on you slightly. "What're you watching?"

"I don't know, I've been too focused on how cold I am." Tommy rolled his eyes and shifted your blankets, making you groan slightly. "Noooooooooo."

"Shut up, I'm helping." He unwrapped the second blanket before pulling you against him, leaning his head on your shoulder. You felt the heat of his body on your back and neck as he breathed, smiling. "Better?"

"Maybe." He laughed, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek. ". . . Your lips are warm." You regretted it as soon as you said it, covering your face with your hands.



"No, repeat that!" He shifted you so you were sideways in his lap.


"Pleaaaaaaaaaase?" He set his chin on your shoulder, looking at you pleadingly.

You sighed and mumbled. "Your lips are warm."

It took him a moment before he smiled proudly, slowly turning smug. "Well, you said you needed some warming up, didn't you?"

You rolled your eyes and tried to shove him, his grip around your waist too tight. "Shuttup-"

"Can I kiss you?" His tone was less joking now, more serious. The way he looked at you made something inside you melt slightly as you nodded. He smiled again, softer this time, before leaning in and pressing your lips together gently. You were right the first time, his lips were really warm, and it definitely helped with the cold you felt otherwise.

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