Drama (NB!Reader)

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The past few days, all your social media feed had been was people shouting about you, criticising every little move you made. Honestly you didn't even know what had sparked it, since every tweet or post you saw seemed to be talking about something completely different. You tried to just scroll through and ignore it, instead looking at some of the fanart people had made for you, but it even reached there in the comments.

You audibly groaned and flopped sideways on the couch, dropping your phone by your stomach for a moment before picking it up again and trying a different site. It wasn't any different. People here seemed to be putting you on blast for almost taking off Ranboo's glasses on stream, which just wasn't accurate at all. You'd almost knocked them off by accident during a Wii Sports game. You knew how he felt about a face reveal currently and you were one of the loudest advocates for him to not push himself into it.

The internet didn't seem to care that much.

Speak of the devil, his face popped around the corner, looking at you with concern-filled eyes. "Y/N?"

You groaned again in response, covering your face with your arms and dropping your phone back on the couch. You heard him walk closer, pausing for a moment. "Y/N, you have to stop looking at that stuff, it's only gonna make you feel worse..."

"It's all I see when I open any feed... I can't avoid it..." There was a pause before you felt his arms sliding under you, lifting you up and holding your phone in his other hand. You yelped slightly and wrapped your arms around his neck. "'Boo-"

"I gotcha, don't worry." He smiled, carrying you back to his office where he was streaming. You noticed his phone open to his VTuber app, not picking up any of your movement from across the room. He set you in the extra chair before draping his jacket around you, settling back into his own chair and starting up his stream again. "I just have to finish this quick, okay?"

You nodded, smiling softly and getting comfortable in his jacket. It was too big on you, but that was the best way to wear it in your opinion. It covered your hands and smelled like your boyfriend, the perfect combination. You noticed him set your phone on the opposite end of the desk, discouraging your urge to open up any of your social media and get lost in the drama.

"Hey chat. Sorry I left, I had to go make sure Y/N was okay, they're having a bit of a rough day." He glanced at you and smiled, his VTuber avatar picking it up. "They're gonna sit in for the rest of the stream, feel free to talk to them a bit if I don't respond."

Your phone went off and you tried to reach for it, his hand covering yours silently. You slowly pulled back, taking a deep breath and talking to chat instead. They seemed to appreciate you being there, since Ranboo sometimes got a bit too into the game he was playing and forgot to check chat periodically. You also read out important donations when he asked, feeling your stomach lighten as the dread dissipated.

About an hour later, he wrapped up his stream, turning off his VTuber and smiling over at you. "You did wonderfully." He flushed slightly as he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, "Feeling better?"

Almost instantly, small feelings of dread started poking at your insides, causing your face to fall as you shook your head softly. He frowned slightly before grabbing your phone and picking you up again, carrying you out of his office to his room. "Ranboo I'm perfectly capable of walking-"

"Shhh, let me have this." He flashed you a quick grin, kicking his bedroom door open before setting you on the bed. He then moved about the room, shutting the door and turning off lights, leaving only the window open partially so you could see one another. You rolled your eyes playfully and tried to get up to help, only to be pushed back down. "I told you, I got it. Let me take care of you."

Your heart melted a bit at that and you let him do his thing, watching him for a bit longer before laying down. He brought out a laptop and set it up at an angle so you could watch movies while laying in bed, quickly turning on your favorite before crawling into bed behind you, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin 'on top' of your head. You felt him press your phone into your palm, "Can I trust you with this...?"

You smiled and shifted to kiss his cheek before settling back in, opening the camera of your phone. You held it out to take a picture of the two of you, Ranboo's face mostly buried in your hair while you pulled a fake pout. You quickly edited it to make sure no part of his face could be seen, doing triple and quadruple checks before posting it on any platform you could think of, simply captioned: He's trapped me in cuddles, send help /j

You sent the original in your house group chat before putting your phone down again, cuddling up against your boyfriend's chest more and sighing softly. "Thank you..."

You could hear him smile, long fingers brushing up and through your hair gently. "Of course."

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