Heirs Pt. 2 (NB!Reader)

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Here y'all go, thank you again for over 10k reads!  Seriously, I love y'all /p

It came as a surprise when Sapnap approached you, bowing slightly with a smile. "May I have this dance?"

You smiled and stood, giving him a small bow in return, before taking his hand. "Of course. I may be a bit rusty though..."

He just grinned and led you to the dance floor, setting his other hand lightly on your waist. Your other hand found his shoulder as you slowly danced, people clearing a path. "I uhm... offered a dance to Karl but he said he couldn't."

You frowned softly and nodded. "It's... not customary for staff to join the dance. Maybe approach him later though." You offered a soft smile. "I'm sure he'd accept when not in the eyes of so many officials."

You watched his face break out in a smile before a nagging feeling picked at the back of your mind. Someone was watching you, and not like the advisors did. They were intent to capture your every move. You did a quick glance about the room, eyes catching on Wilbur for a second. His eyes locked with yours before he looked away, the feeling disappearing. You glared slightly, Sapnap gently squeezing your hand. "Is he bugging you?"

You sighed. "Not really, I just can't figure out why he keeps staring at me."

"Maybe he's not used to Endermen? Or maybe he's jealous he's no longer the tallest in the room." He cracked a smile and you felt yourself doing much the same, rolling your eyes playfully.

"He's going to have a rough time then."

Sapnap just laughed, spinning you around the floor one last time as the song came to a close.

Days passed and you continued to catch Wilbur looking at you, varying emotions on his face. Mostly he seemed... enamoured? Like he couldn't believe you were real and in front of him. It was starting to tick you off. You retreated more and more into the library, tucking yourself into your corner to read and take notes. Negotiations were going well, so hopefully Wilbur and his staring would be gone soon. At least, that's what you were thinking. Ranboo enjoyed the company of his younger brother, Tommy, and you often heard them shouting outside the castle.

One particularly gloomy day, you were sat at a long table in the library with books piled around you as you took notes, flipping between three different books on the same topic in an effort to corroborate stories and customs of the overworld.

Wilbur sat down in a chair across from you and it took a few minutes to even notice him, that's how engrossed in your reading you were. You finally realized he was there when he gently knocked on the tabletop, tilting his head. "What're you reading?"

Your face fell slightly as you snapped your notes closed. "Nothing of your concern."

He pursed his lips gently, eyes narrowing. "I was just wondering..."

"It's official business." It really wasn't, but you didn't want people looking through your notes. It was too personal.

"Sorry." He seemed genuinely upset and you felt a pang of guilt, loosening your grip on the book of notes.

"It's fine, just don't sneak up on me like that please." You offered a small smile, trying your best to meet his eyes. It was easier than you thought it would be, which was strange to you, but he smiled back.

"Can I at least know what you're reading about?"

"The Nether." You showed him the original book, still keeping a hand on the one full of your notes. "It's always fascinated me and I'll need to know as much about it as I can before I take the throne..."

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