Go to Bed (NB!Reader)

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Warnings! This chapter contains drinking/alcohol consumption (all by legal adults, but still be careful please) and it gets a tiny bit steamy at one point.  Nothing too bad, but if that kinda stuff makes you uncomfortable, feel free not to read this chapter.

You rolled your eyes playfully as Wilbur slung an arm around your shoulders, smiling widely at his camera. He and a couple friends, mainly Schlatt, George, and Charlie, had all decided to do some drunk online board games. You'd been brought in to make sure they didn't go overboard. The 'designated driver,' even though they wouldn't be stepping foot outside of their own homes and you were all just on call. Still, it was nice to spend time with Wil and his friends, since you didn't sit in on his streams all that often. The ones you did were usually the laugh challenges, where it was just the two of you and chat.

This was a whole different ball game, you had to get used to at least three other people talking to you and him, and keep track of just how much alcohol your boyfriend had consumed. They were halfway through their third game of Uno, Charlie and Wilbur singing together. Well, not really singing, more like shouting vaguely to the tune of the song.

Out of the four of them, George was probably the most sober, and the two of you were casually having a conversation while the game went on. Schlatt chimed in every now and then, but he might've been the furthest gone of the group. "Schlatt I think you need to chill on the drinks."

"Naaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, Y/N, I'm fiiiiiiine." You rolled your eyes.

"If you have a killer hangover tomorrow, don't say I didn't warn you." You took a sip of the soda you'd brought, glancing at chat.

'Father Y/N.' You snorted and tried not to choke on your drink, setting the can down and laughing. Wilbur looked at you quizzically, face flushed from the alcohol. You waved him off, covering your mouth and taking deep breaths.

Stream lasted for a few more hours after that, going through Uno, Trouble, and even an attempt to play survival Minecraft that got abandoned because they kept dying. Eventually, you made them sign off, ending Wilbur's stream and glancing over his face. He hadn't gone overboard but he definitely was going to feel it in the morning, so you tried to guide him to bed.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pushed you up against the wall, looking down at you. He leaned in and kissed you, arms relaxing until just his hands were on your hips. You melted into it slightly and he took that as a signal, getting more passionate until you were practically making out. You could taste the alcohol he'd drank, and it spurred you on slightly as you carded your fingers through his hair. You eventually pushed him back to breathe, panting softly and gently putting a hand over his mouth. "Wil... as much as I love kissing you, you're drunk and need sleep."

He groaned and tried to kiss you again, making you push him back more, giving him a stern look. You removed your hand and put it on his shoulder instead, making him relax. His hands loosened on your hips and he leaned down until his forehead rested on your shoulder. "Ffffffffffine, but you better at least cuddle with me... I'd feel lonely without you."

You smiled softly and ran your fingers through his hair, humming softly. "I wouldn't have it any other way, love." You took his hands off your hips, gently guiding him to your room to finally sleep. He trailed behind you like a lovesick puppy, lightly squeezing your hand every now and then.

You let him settle into bed while you grabbed a glass of water and set it on the nightstand for tomorrow morning. You laid down on your side and felt him wrap his arms around you from behind, pulling you against his chest. He kissed the back of your neck, fingers gently fiddling with the edge of your shirt. Well, actually, it was one of his shirts. "I forgot to tell you... you look adorable in my clothes, darling..."

You relaxed and took a deep breath, relaxing against him and yawning. "Thank you... now please get some sleep." You'd barely finished your sentence when you heard his breathing even out and deepen slightly, already asleep. You smiled softly and closed your eyes, following not long after.

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