Soul Scars (NB!Reader)

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When you were younger, you'd burst into tears running to your parents to show them the large scars showing up on your arms and hands. They claimed you were sobbing about your soulmate being hurt, wishing you could hug them to make it feel better.

As you got older, the marks faded slightly and you hoped your soulmate was doing okay, since they were the one who got into the accident. You never tried to hide them, it was common for people to have unexplained marks, but you were always worried about just what had happened to make these kinds of marks. There were a few people who tried to poke fun because your arms and hands were now permanently scarred, but you didn't mind. It was a connection to your soulmate, something that reminded you they were out there.

The day you got a cat was the day you repeatedly apologized to your soulmate in your mind, knowing that they would also have to deal with the multitude of scratches. Especially when you managed to get one on your inner forearm that was so bad, it actually scarred. Then later, another scar on your stomach from when you'd accidentally picked up your cat right after your parents had given them catnip.

None of that bothered you though, you knew that one day you'd meet someone with your exact scars and it wouldn't matter anymore.

Fast forward to today, you were finally doing a meet-up with your streaming friends before you were set to move in with them. It'd been a plan for years, and it was finally set up so that you could join them. As soon as you stepped into the park you'd designated, you heard Tommy's shouting from all the way on the other side. He must be vlogging... of course he would be. You started jogging, grinning before you surprise tackled Tubbo to introduce yourself. "WH- Y/N!?"

You laughed and flopped on the ground, panting slightly. "Hey Tubs."

Tommy pointed the camera down at you, grinning. "Quite the introduction."

"Why thank you." You sat up and waved to Ranboo, who waved back. "So, you must have something planned, we can't just do a normal meet-up."

Tommy nodded, handing Ranboo the camera and helping you up off the ground. "Let's go."

As you walked around the town, you couldn't help but glance at their hands occasionally. You'd always thought it'd be kind of cool to have one of them as your soulmate, but it was hard to tell since Ranboo was wearing a hoodie and his usual fingerless gloves. It wasn't Tubbo, his arms were clear of large scars and so were Tommy's. But that was alright with you, you knew it was unlikely that you'd be that lucky.

Instinctively, your fingers brushed over one of the cat scratches on your arm, feeling the slight dip where the scarred tissue was. After that, the pads of your fingers drifted over the larger scars along your arm from your soulmate, wondering what they were doing right now. A shiver ran up your spine before Ranboo bumped into you gently, pointing the camera down. "I'm glad you could make it."

You smiled up at him, pulling the sleeves of your hoodie down over your arms as you joked around. "Thanks, I'm glad y'all pressured me to come."

He started laughing, readjusting his mask slightly. When he looked forward, you could see the profile of his face, including his eyes. It felt kind of strange, since you'd never seen his full face before, but you supposed that would come sometime in the following few weeks. Tubbo and Tommy had already seen him, but you hadn't. It was kind of exciting but it also felt weird to be seeing an angle of him he didn't usually show, especially in public, so you looked away quickly. You felt your face flush slightly, rubbing your arm through your sweater as you tried to get hints to where Tommy was leading you.

Eventually, your small group stopped in front of a nondescript building, the only hint to what it was being the large sign on the outside shaped like a lock. "An escape room?" You felt a rush of adrenaline. You'd always wanted to do one of these, and having your first one be with your closest friends was definitely a plus.

"Yep!" Tommy grinned. "Seemed like a good idea."

Tubbo nodded enthusiastically, you couldn't help but copy him, eagerly following Tommy into the building with Ranboo trailing behind you. Inside, there was a desk with a rack of keys on top, each one labelled with a different theme. There were a few empty hooks so you assumed those were the rooms currently being used. You wondered which one Tommy had picked for your group. The man behind the desk smiled, leaning forward. "Hello there, do you have a scheduled game or are you walk-ins?"

"We're scheduled, the name should be 'Tom Simons'."

The man clicked a few things on the computer stationed next to him, grinning. "Ah, there you are. I have some papers for you to sign, then we can get you back to our room."

Once he was done with that, the man took a key off the rack and started leading you down the hall, passing other rooms. There were a couple doors open, one looked a lot like a typical office building, the one across from it a dark alleyway covered in graffiti. You stopped at one labeled 'Haunted,' which you found hilarious considering how easily Tommy was to spook.

He unlocked the door and explained the rules of the game. "Nothing will need to be broken, you have an hour and a half to escape. I'll lock the door behind me but there's a camera in here that you can get the attention of if you're in trouble. There's also a doorbell on the other side of this door that you can ring to get my attention if something goes wrong or there's an emergency. Got it?"

You nodded, the other three giving some sign of confirmation. The man smiled and closed the door behind you. "Good luck then."

You didn't finish the room in time, Tommy and Tubbo got too caught up on a bit and spent a lot of time just laughing at each other while you and Ranboo tried to actually finish the challenge, but it was harder with only two people. That was fine with you though, spending time with the trio was the point of the trip, not actually winning an escape room.

After you left, you all went back to Tubbo's house to give Ranboo a break from the mask and glasses. As soon as you got inside, he took a deep breath and slipped the glasses off, mask following soon after before he smiled at you. "Hey."

You felt your face heat up a little again, smiling back. "Hi." He laughed softly and took his jacket off, glancing ahead to where Tubbo and Tommy were arguing about something, partially wrestling by the couch. "I'm gonna have to get used to that, aren't I?"

He nodded, lightly bumping you. "Welcome to my life for the past few weeks." You laughed and couldn't help but glance at his arms and hands as he shoved his gloves into the pockets of the jacket. You felt your heart rate speed up slightly when you recognized the slight scarring on his hands, impulsively reaching out to take his hand. "Uh... Y/N?"

You snapped out of it and pulled your hand back. "S- sorry... I just..." You chewed your lip slightly. "Can I show you something?"

"Sure?" He ran his fingers through his hair before you took his hand, pulling it next to your own and shifting until your scars lined up perfectly. His eyes widened, glancing between your face and your matching hands. Slowly, his face broke into a smile. "That's... that means we're soulmates, right?"

You nodded, blushing darker. "I kinda hoped it was you..."

He lowered his hand, an action you copied soon after, before he pulled you into a quick hug. "I kinda hoped it was you too."

You heard a fake gagging noise to your left, turning to see Tommy pretending to throw up. "Get a room!"

Tubbo hit him with a pillow for that, and their wrestling match started up again while you and your newfound soulmate just laughed at them.

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