Voice Cracks (M!Reader)

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Man has a pretty voice. Bet y'all expected Wilbur. Also changed it from College AU to this because I couldn't figure out what to do for a College AU for once and I always see Band AUs of all kinds but no Choir ones (also technically a Highschool AU). You're a tenor, since that's my voice part and if I have to suffer, so do you /lh

Show Choir is singing and dancing at the same time, if you didn't know. It's one of my favorite things, honestly, and I feel like it's something Sap would try at least once.

"Take out Hallelujah Chorus please."

You suppressed a groan. On one hand, you loved doing this song. It was pretty easy to remember and it was a tradition at your school. On the other hand, being a tenor sucked because you were constantly jumping between upper range and lower range, occasionally straining your voice in weird ways. That and there were only three of you compared to the ten sopranos and eight altos. Even the basses had four people, which didn't seem like much but one person could go a long way.

You heard one of the basses messing around behind you, his usual laugh coming after something that sounded suspiciously like a slap. You saw your choir teacher roll his eyes before gesturing for silence, playing the starting notes before cueing you to go. You'd already done this for at least three years, you knew your way around the piece, but you couldn't help it when your voice cracked suddenly during a long note. You heard a soft snicker from behind you, the bass section, before you scrambled to rejoin your group.

When you finished up, you turned around to confront the bass who'd laughed at you, only to find him messing around with his friend again. You sighed and turned back around, telling yourself you'd do it later.

Your director asked for tenors and basses to sit so he could work with the altos and sopranos, and you gladly complied. Usually you would go on your phone, but today you turned around again and tapped the bass on the knee. He immediately looked at you, smiling sheepishly. "It was you whose voice cracked, wasn't it?" You nodded, feeling any anger melt away. "Sorry, I didn't really mean to laugh at you, I'm used to teasing this jerk when his voice cracks." He kicked the back of another tenor's chair, laughing when his friend flipped him off without looking.

"You thought it was him?"

"Kinda. Won't happen again." He offered you a smile, which you gladly returned. At least that was sorted out.

That night, you had show choir practice. Solos were going to be announced and you were pumped to learn if you'd gotten one. You'd tried out every year to no avail but maybe this year you'd be lucky.

"And the solo in our second song goes to... Y/N."

You grinned, a bit in disbelief that you'd actually gotten it. It was one of the longest solos in the five-song show, spanning the entirety of one song compared to the other solos that were mostly just smaller sections. When it came time to practice, you got to learn your spots fairly quickly when the director pointed them out. Mainly, you just needed to stay apart from the group and make sure you could be seen.

Actually singing it felt amazing and you caught a certain bass' eye as you belted, letting the music flow and guide you. You felt the eyes on you, glancing his direction before smiling, giving him a small nod.

The final held note rang out as you settled into your spot for the next song, taking deep breaths.

End of practice rolled around and you were chugging water, nursing your voice as the bass walked up to you. "I realized I never introduced myself. I'm Nick, but my friends call me Sapnap."

You laughed softly at the strange nickname. "Y/N. I felt you watching me."

"It's hard not to, you just sound so passionate when you sing." You flushed slightly, blaming it on the heat of the room.

"Thank you."

"See you in choir tomorrow?"

You smiled and nodded, "See you then." As he was walking away you added: "Feel free to laugh at any of my voice cracks!" He laughed as the door swung shut behind him.

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