Tyrant Pt. 1 (M!Reader)

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Using Tubbo and Schlatt's designs from the SMP where they're basically satyrs/goat people, everyone in the kingdom is basically some form of animal person. The reader is a cat because I say so. The kind of cat is up to you, frankly.  Each ~ is a switch in perspective, because I decided to do that for this one.  It honestly works well for the story.  Enjoy.

It'd started like any other for him. Wake up, get dressed, and head down to the throne room after breakfast to see what his father wanted for the day. What happened next threw a wrench in his usual plans. After he'd greeted his father, the guards marched a boy around his age into the throne room, hands chained behind his back, and forced him to kneel. "Your highnesses, we've found the murderer."

"I didn't kill anybody!"

"Silence." King Schlatt stood up, making his way over to the kneeling boy, tilting his chin up. The boy snarled slightly and jerked back. "That's definitely him... lock him in the dungeons immediately."

"Yes, your highness." They picked him up by the arms and dragged him off, ignoring his cries declaring innocence.

"Toby, let that be a lesson." Schlatt turned around with a strange gleam in his eyes. "No mercy for those who try to hurt our rule."


You yelped and groaned as you were thrown into the cell, hitting the wall at a force you thought was unnecessary. The guards had already removed your chains, hanging them on the wall. "You're gonna be in there a long time, kitty cat. Hopefully the king takes mercy on you and chooses to execute instead of letting you rot."

You hissed slightly, hair standing on end. "I didn't. Do. Anything. Schlatt is a liar."

They threw a bucket of water on you. "You will address him correctly."

You shook off the water you could and curled up into the small, lumpy bed, trapping as much warmth as you could. It felt like hours before you were finally able to fall asleep, wishing to God you'd chosen to disappear with your parents instead of trying to lay low in town.


Toby couldn't sleep, the angry and hurt look on the boy's face stuck in his mind. He grabbed a lantern and quietly crept down to the dungeons. The guards were asleep for the night, but they slept nearby. His hooves would definitely be a problem if he wasn't careful when he walked.

He made it down and saw the other boy, a cat apparently, curled into a ball on the little bed. He frowned slightly and stepped closer, bathing the other's back in soft, yellow light. He watched him shift and turn to face him, eyes widening. His pupils did the cat thing, where they turned into slits in the light, ears pinning back. He decided he would try to be diplomatic. His father was always talking about doing stuff like that. "Hello."

The other hissed slightly, shifting backwards on the bed. "Prince."

He faltered slightly. Toby had never really met anyone who thought being the prince was a bad thing... "Erm... J- just Toby is fine."

"Is this just a ploy to get me to 'confess'? I know your father would be real proud of you if you managed to do that."

"I- no, I just wanted to come see how you were doing." He sat down on the other side of the bars, setting the lantern where both of you would be able to see well. "Because... you know, you were saying you're innocent."

"I didn't think anyone in your family would want to talk to me, much less believe me."

"I'm not like my dad... he's trying but... it's not working as well as he wants it to."

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