Aquarium (NB!Reader)

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Tommy was getting a bit weirder with his vlog ideas, but you'd never object to going to an aquarium, plus you'd heard the London Aquarium had some pretty neat exhibits. You arrived outside the large building, practically vibrating with excitement. Tommy was doing his usual intro but it was just background noise to you. Tubbo laughed next to you, messing with the camera in his hands. "I can see you're excited."

"Yup." You grinned, "I love looking at sea life."

He smiled and bumped shoulders, following Tommy as he bolted towards the entrance. Your tickets were already ordered, and you were allowed in any of the areas of the aquarium. You wanted to see the penguins and sharks first, which was also what Tommy wanted to do. He figured they'd be the best for the vlog content, though the other centers would provide some good content. At least that's what he said, you were too busy gazing at the fish swimming by as you walked to the tanks.

Tubbo seemed to stick closer to you, letting Ranboo and Tommy run ahead to make commentary, though he occasionally chimed in. You went to the penguins and watched as they slid down the ice in their tank, hearing Tommy laugh beside you. "Slippery boys."

You snorted and watched them swim. "Speedy birds."

"Philza Minecraft but cold." You wheezed at that.

"Philza Minecraft's colder cousins."

The other two started laughing as well, watching the penguins for a bit longer before moving on to the shark tunnel. Tommy kept making comments about the glass breaking and being eaten, which just made Ranboo laugh. You just rolled your eyes and watched the different species of sharks, seeing one resting on the ground.

"Don't they have to keep swimming to not... y'know, die?" Tubbo spoke up from next to you, making you jump a little.

"That's a Nurse shark, they can stay still for a bit and still breathe. Other sharks do, though. Nurse sharks are just special."

"They're built different." You snorted and started laughing, making him laugh.

After that you went to the Rainforest Adventure, following the guide through the different parts of the exhibit. "And here is where you can see the Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula."

You grinned and nudged Tommy. "You've gotta do that, Big Man."

He glared at you. "You're on, Y/N." He stuck his head in the glass bubble to see the spider before shrieking and pulling back. You snorted and started laughing, kneeling down so you wouldn't fall over.

"You're such a wimp!"

"I'd like to see you try!" He huffed, crossing his arms. You rolled your eyes and did what he did, coming nearly face-to-face with the largest spider in the world. You held your breath slightly but didn't scream like he did. You pulled back and grinned at him, obviously smug. "I hate you."

Next was the crocodiles and piranhas, which both made for great content in the vlog. Tommy spent pretty much the whole time yelling about sharp teeth. Feeding was something Tommy would probably have to censor though, and partially made Tubbo jump. He held your hand for part of it, mainly at the beginning, when the sudden frenzy startled him slightly. You just accepted it, blushing lightly and squeezing his hand reassuringly.

After that was the jellyfish, which definitely distracted you with their gentle gliding and the way they moved so smoothly. You felt Tubbo's hand drift into yours again, looking down slightly as your face heated up slightly. Tommy and Ranboo were still in the Rainforest section, since the jellyfish weren't as interesting for the vlog. You gently swung your connected hands between you, stopping at a sign. "Hey Tubs?"


"It says here that this kind of jelly can survive in water temps of 6o C. Didn't you say you saw one in one of Tommy's vlogs?"

"I DID!" He smiled widely, squeezing your hand slightly. "HERE'S THE PROOF! Hah! They thought I was lying!"

You laughed lightly, taking the camera from him to film the evidence. "All Tommyinnit viewers, Tubbo was right." He bounced slightly with your hand in his, grinning wider than you've ever seen.

The group met back up at the coral reef section, or as they called it, the Coral Kingdom. There was some kind of course made to look like coral for you to weave through like a clown fish, which of course Tommy jumped at immediately. All of you had to do it as a sort of race, taking off after he told you to. At least there wasn't many people there.

Ranboo ended up winning, despite having to duck most of the time to make it through passages. Tommy challenged him to a rematch while you and Tubbo wandered through the exhibit, watching all the brightly colored fish. Tubbo grabbed your hand again as you pointed out certain species, giving him little explanations of each. You found yourself blushing lightly as he watched you intently, wandering further and further away from the part of the exhibit where Tommy and Ranboo were. Eventually you two came to a stop, looking down at the squat, wide tank that apparently held an octopus. He leaned against the edge, smiling at you. "This has been a surprisingly chill vlog. I mean, apart from Tommy's yelling."

You laughed and nodded, gently bumping his shoulder. "It's been fun... I've always wanted to come here but I just... never really had the time. It's more fun to come with friends anyway."

You couldn't miss the light pink that spread across his face, leaning on you. "Y- yeah."

"You okay? You're turning red." He just nodded, shifting his hand to cover yours. You giggled softly and mumbled. "This kinda feels like a date..."

The tips of his ears started turning red, nodding hesitantly. "I uhm... wanted to talk to you about that."

You tilted your head, looking at him with slight concern.

"H- have you been holding my hand since the rainforest exhibit because... you like me...?"

You blinked, thinking about it for a moment, before nodding, feeling yourself blush. A smile spread across his face as he shifted to hold your hand completely, bouncing on his feet slightly. You squeezed it gently and pulled him towards the stingrays, giggling softly. "C'mon, Bee Boy, we're not done looking at creatures."

He just laughed and followed you, loving to watch the excited look on your face as you looked at the fish and other sea life.

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