Sneaking Off (M!Reader)

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Basically a highschool AU but Summer Camp!  Long chapter to apologize for inactivity, school's gotten a bit more hectic so updates might be more sparse.

Cabin and camp grounds are actually based off of a camp I used to go to!

You set your stuff down by your bunk, glancing around the small room. The cabins were actually much nicer than you'd thought, coming with a small bathroom and three smaller bedrooms off of the main room with four bunks in each, plus four in the main room by a couple chairs and couches. There was also a couch in the room you'd chosen, which you thought was a good place to shove your suitcase if it didn't fit under the bunk. You started setting up your stuff, unrolling the sleeping bag on top of the thin mattress, throwing your pillow at the side where your head would be.

One of your counselors was in the main room setting up his stuff, since the adults were required to be out there, and you could hear him shuffling around. Not everyone had arrived yet, but you knew there were a couple other people in the other rooms. You'd seen two or three moving around in the room in the middle, a couple more in the room on the other end, but you were supposed to have at least one other person in your room, so evidently he hadn't gotten here yet.

You looked up when there was a knock, smiling at the blond man standing in the doorway. "Settling in okay?"

You nodded. "Thanks M-"

"Just Phil is fine." He smiled and gently knocked on the doorframe. "I got a text from some of the parents, your bunkmates should be here soon."


"At least you get first pick!" He called as he walked back into the main room, probably going to check on the other guys in your cabin.

You got up and stretched, hearing some of your joints pop before you wandered out into the main area. You saw Phil setting up his own bunk, the other counselor doing the same with the one next to his. They were chatting and laughing, and you could hear much the same from the other rooms in the cabin. You wandered passed a few of them, glancing in briefly before sitting on one of the couches in the living room area, looking up at the ceiling.

A couple of the other guys came out, mainly the three from the middle room. You glanced at them and smiled, waving slightly. "Hey."

Jesus, the first guy was tall. Even taller than your counselors, he looked like he was about to smack his head on the ceiling at any moment. He brushed his hair out of his face and waved back, introducing himself. "Hey, I go by Ranboo."


"I'm Tommy." The blond guy was louder, slinging an arm around Ranboo's shoulders despite being shorter. "And this is Toby, but we call him Tubbo."

The shortest of the three waved to you with a smile, which you returned happily. "I'm guessing the three of you know each other outside of camp then."

Toby, Tubbo, whatever you were going to end up calling him, gave you an enthusiastic nod that made his hair flop into his eyes. You laughed softly, leaning into the couch more as the door to the cabin swung open. Three more guys walked in, pulling suitcases or hauling duffle bags, two of them talking and nudging each other.

"Hey, glad to see you made it!" Phil grinned, setting a bag he was unpacking down and going to greet them. "You'll have to fill in the empty bunks, there's a couple in each room."

"I've got three open ones in my room." You smiled at them and gestured to the end room you'd settled in, thinking maybe all three would join you.

Two of them nodded and immediately headed over, the third standing there like he was trying to decide. "We... we didn't even introduce ourselves."

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