Mismatched (NB!Reader)

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Heterochromia Soulmate AU! One eye is your eye color, the other is your soulmate's. Once you meet (in person) your eyes change to be both your eye color. Also the reader lives in the UK for ease.

You stared into the mirror for the twentieth time that day. Two different colored eyes stared back at you, one bright blue and the other E/C. You weren't really sure which one was actually supposed to be yours but you didn't have all day to stare at yourself, you had to set up for a stream. You were doing a Minecraft horror map with Tommy and Tubbo, and you had to make sure the map and texture pack were all downloaded.

When you started your stream, you smiled and waved at the camera. "How's it goin' chat?" You watched the replies stream in, mixed with emojis. You just laughed, explaining the map before undeafening on Discord to hear Tommy shrieking. You jumped before laughing, holding a hand over your heart. "Tommy, please it's too early for this."


You sighed softly and smiled at the camera, listening to Tubbo laugh. "Tommy, I thought we were going to talk about your next vlog."

You could almost hear him perk up on the other end of the call. A few times, you'd talked about meeting up for a vlog but you could almost never make it work. Recently though, you were determined. "So... are we going to?"

You grinned, "If you want to."

You watched chat start to freak out as Tubbo laughed, knowing exactly what you were talking about. "Chat we're not going to tell you what's happening, you know this."

The rest of the stream was much less chaotic, but you still dodged questions about what was coming up. Out of stream, you planned where you were going to do the meetup vlog, adding Tubbo to the group for more chaos.

For the meetup, you ended up going to a park to hang out on a sunny day, so you wore sunglasses. But that didn't stop you from basically tackling Tommy when you first saw him, laughing. Your sunglasses nearly flew off but it was worth it to hear Tommy shriek. You both ended up on the ground, laying next to each other in the grass before you both started wheezing, Tubbo calmly walking up to you. You then noticed that Tubbo was carrying the camera, pointing it right at you and Tommy. "You two are like children."

You just grinned and pulled him down as well.

A few minutes later, you were all bolting through the park as Tommy screamed the manhunt music, getting plenty of shaky footage as he chased you and Tubbo. You stumbled before falling, wheezing as you tried to catch your breath. Tommy nearly tripped over you, accidentally kicking your leg instead. "Holy shit, Y/N, I'm so sorry-"

You threw your head back and laughed harder, sunglasses slipping off your face. He joined your laughter, running a hand through his hair. He sloppily pushed your sunglasses back on, nearly poking your eye out. "Tommy-"

You looked over in time to see him laid out next to you, arm slung over his face as he laughed loudly. You noticed the pink spread across his cheeks, the way his chest heaved from running and laughing so hard. You gasped softly when he opened his eyes. They were both bright blue, and you slid off your sunglasses to see better. His jaw also went slack. "Your eyes match now..."

"So do yours." He blinked, his brain taking a moment to process.

"Wait does that mean-"

You hesitantly nodded. "I- I guess so."

He broke out in a large grin as he jumped up to wrap you in a bone-crushing hug. "I couldn't tell through the screen-"

You laughed and hugged him back, burying your face in his shoulder. "How're you gonna tell the fans?"

He hummed and pulled away before pulling out his phone, lining you both up to take a quick picture. It perfectly showed off your swapped eye colors, how you both had your own now, before he posted it to his social media accounts. 'Meetup with U/N!'

"Let them figure it out."

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