Chapter 3

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It's the morning Mum and I leave for Hollywood. Ahh, this should be interesting.

We arive at the airport and Magi grabs my hand, she knows, and only she knows, how absolutely terrified I am of the sound of planes. I squeeze my eyes shut and hold her hand.  

Before I know it I feel a breeze of snippy air, and the light blinds me, Mum is opening my door and pulling me out. "C'mon sleeping Beauty, we gotta go hurry through check!" "umggg mummmm.." we both groan blocking ourselves from the light.  

We get out and I take the last look at my sister for who knows how long. I feel the tears start boiling in my eyes and see them in hers, so I just jump forward embracing her in the biggest hug we've ever shared. I mean, I love my sister more than anyone or anything else, but we don't show it often.. But this we have had a hug like this.. But I don't know.. 

When I pull away Magi stops me and slides something into my hand then turns back into the car. I don't get a chance to look before Mum pulls my arm.  

"Mum, I don't know if I can do this anymore.." I say making her come to a hault, "Sweetie, of course you can. Just believe in yourself. I do.." I sigh and follow her tugging my luggage behind me.  

We get through check pretty fast and are soon on the plane, great, this is great, more time I need to spend on this death machine. My Mum doesn't know of my fear of planes and takes my silence and nervousness and tiredness and hand me a sleeping pill. Thank god my Mum keeps these on hand!

The sound of the plane sounds deafening, I can't see anything, and I'm covered in..ash? I don't know where I am, but suddenly I feel small, verry small. I caugh a few times to clear my throught and manage to open my eyes. I'm in the middle of a field, I hear people around me, screaming, crying, caughing, gasping for air. Where am I? I don't recognise any of the people around me. The woman next to me, she looks slightly familiar, do I know her? "I'm sorry Lani! I love you. I'm Sorry." then she's gone. I squint and see a verry large, verry broken, burning plane. Hey, there's a man who looks familiar, don't think I know him either, but theres something about him. Like the woman.. But, he's carrying a small red-headed girl, looks alot, it's Magi. Where am I?! That Magi is too small, I'm too small. The man places Magi next to me, we must only be about a year old. barely able to walk, I stand and put my arms up to the man, then, he's gone, collapses, right next to the woman. I look back at my sister, sit with her and hug her, all we hear is eachother crying and the sound of the plane in the backround. I feel someone behind me and turn, a new woman is there, I know her, it's my mum. I reach out and touch her, she hugs me close along with my sister and whispers to us "I won't let you go. Stay with me.. Don't Cry babies, you're gunna be alright.. I won't let anything else happen to you. You're safe with me, sh shh, hushh, go to sleep little ones.. you will be okay.." I look up and see tears still on her face, then see behind her the two babies, around our age, twins..sleeping? No, they were gone. Little babies, looked just like my mum. Then everythings black, and I hear the plane. Still running, it doesn't stop. Ever.

I wake gasping for air, Mum looks at me, confused and I start bawling. She knows exactly what my dream was, and explains everything to me.  

Magi and I were in a horrible plane crash, we were the only ones to survive, along with her, she had her own twin daughters on the flight also, and they didn't survive, she decided it was her purpose in life to keep us alive. We were in the deserted are for about a week, the plane still running and burning, we watched both of our parents die in front of our eyes, and she watched her babies. This is why we were terrified of plane engines. 

"I get it now!" I exclaim nearly falling from my seat, "What?" She looks at me so confused I almost laugh, "They didn't give us up. They saved us. They died, for us. Giving us a better life, with you, and our family. And you didn't chose us, we chose eachother. We were meant to end up with eachother. All of us." I don't think she expected this, she starts crying, happy crying, and hugs me tight "I'm sorry I never told you! I didn't know how you would take it.. But, I love you Lani!" 

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