Chapter 38: Operation: Bumblebee: Part 1: Gains and Losses

Start from the beginning

Down below, the Vehicons had completely unearthed the relic.

"Show me." Megatron ordered, and they pulled the pod out of the hole. "Bring it to me with utmost care."

They brought the pod over and the Warlord opened it, surprised at what he found inside, but a voice immediately called out to him.

"Megatron!" Optimus said firmly, as he, Ratchet, and Michael ran over. "I cannot allow you to pilfer Autobot relics!"

"Not only are you misinformed, Optimus, but I would strongly advise for you to lower your weapons," Megatron said, as he pulled the relic out of the pod. "unless you're in the mood for mutually assured destruction."

"Good Lord..." Michael gasped out, as his optics turned pale green. Had he been human, he would've gone pale.

"It can't be..." Ratchet said in shock.

"The Spark Extractor." Optimus stated.

"Rather unassuming," Megatron explained. "yet capable of extracting every Spark within its radius. And to think you two led me straight to it, Optimus and Michael. Or should I say... Michael's alternate memories of Orion Pax did."

The two mechs glanced at each other at this.

Michael wasn't sure, but he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his tanks of what could've happened.

"You really should have sealed off my access to your memories much sooner than you did Michael," Megatron gloated. "For you have no idea how useful your knowledge of events proved to be during our all-too-brief time together."

Michael only shuddered, not wanting to be reminded of that time, as Megatron activated his comm.

"Soundwave, send a Groundbridge."

A bridge then opened near them.

"Engage them!" Megatron ordered, and the Vehicons did so. Optimus began firing at them, while Michael and Ratchet unsheathed their blades and began taking them on.

From a high cliff, Bumblebee, in his vehicle mode, charged over the edge and down to the lower area, avoiding the blaster fire from the drones, and he soon reached to where Optimus, Michael, and Ratchet were fighting.

"Bumblebee, secure the package!" The Prime ordered.

The scout obliged, and charged for the still-open Groundbridge.

Inside it, he transformed and jumped, grabbing the Spark Extractor and pulling it from the Warlord's servo.

"What?!" Megatron yelled in anger, and unsheathed his blade.

In response, Bumblebee transformed, the Spark Extractor now in his cab, and drove off before turning around, driving right between the Warlord's legs, and charging back the other way, with the silver mech chasing him.

Bumblebee charged out of the bridge, turning in the air like a stunt driver and driving off as he reached the ground.

Megatron also charged out as the bridge closed behind him, only to find the Autobots gone and the remains of the Vehicons littering the area, and growled in anger.

Back at the base, Bumblebee was bragging about his triumph and vehicular acrobatics to the others, using Raf's toy car to recreate the stunts he pulled.

Starscream wasn't impressed by the stunts, knowing that far more could be achieved in the skies, but he kept his intake shut, knowing that if he said anything, Michael would no doubt rebuke him, and he did not want to get into a fight with the grayish green mech, so he instead went to his room, rolling his optics.

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