Chapter 31: One Shall Rise: Part 1: A Rising Darkness

Start from the beginning

"Unicron." Ratchet corrected. "An ancient evil whose fossilized blood comprises the matter which we call Dark Energon. As legend would have it."

"So you're saying this Unicron is some kind of boogeyman?" June asked, not seeing how it was any different, let alone real.

"Boogeyman?" Ratchet asked, not knowing what that was.

"Make-believe creepy guy who hides in your closet." Miko described.

"No, Nurse Darby." Ratchet explained. "Unicron is very real. Was... That is... Well I do believe he once existed, I just don't subscribe to the theory that his primordial life force is the substance which... harmed Raf and Michael."

"I've heard enough." June said, having enough of everything. "Jack, please, help me get Raf and Michael into the car."

"<:But they're fine!:>" Bumblebee protested, not wanting to lose them again.

"Mom, I thought they were doing better?" Jack asked, not knowing what she was doing.

"Raf and Michael need to be examined by real doctors." June replied firmly, offending Ratchet in the process. "And Raf's family needs to be involved. His real family!"

"Mom, Raf's family can't protect him!" Jack protested. "Not like they can." He added, gesturing to the Autobots. "And Michael doesn't have anyone else to turn to. We and the Autobots are all he has."

"June," Optimus began as he got up from his seat. "It deeply grieves me that I have failed. But I will do everything in my power to ensure that no harm comes to our human friends, or any human, ever again."

June stopped, and looked down, trying to keep herself from yelling at him.

"Optimus," June replied. "They're children. They do not belong in your world. They should be worrying about grades, prom dates, pimples, not their own survival. And Michael might be different from the rest of you, but he's still a human. A child!"

"Mom, Dark Energon is pouring out of the Earth." Jack said, trying to make her see the bigger picture. "It doesn't do that. This could be about everyone's survival. Not just ours."

"You're coming with me!" She said firmly, ignoring him. "All six of you. And they will not be coming back!"

Michael and Jessica could only look at each other in concern. Given the lives they both had, and the circumstances that lead them to where they currently were, the base was their only home.

If they left... where would they go...?

Michael knew they would come back, but he couldn't say that, and he knew that it would be pointless to try and argue with June, so he remained quiet.

June wheeled both boys over to the car while the others watched on.

"I understand..." Optimus said, knowing that it was her decision to make as she was the adult in the room, not him.

"That's it?" Miko asked as she ran over to the Prime, who looked down at her. "After all we've been through together? See ya?! What about our freedom to choose?!"

"That may fly on their planet," June said as Raf and Michael got situated in the car. "but not here on Earth. Get in."

"Do you you really expect me to ride in a non-transforming vehicle?" Miko scoffed.

"Miko, I'm serious." June said firmly, not wanting to argue about this.

"You're not my mother." The Japanese girl sneered.

"Miko!" Bulkhead pleaded, wanting her to just listen, even if he didn't want her to leave.

"Neither are you!" She snapped, and Bulkhead subsided.

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