Chapter 28: Stronger, Faster

Start from the beginning

"Understood." Optimus replied gently. "Activate the Groundbridge."

As Ratchet went to do so, Optimus turned his attention to Starscream.

"It is unlikely that we will require your assistance on this mission, so you shall remain here." He said.

Starscream just groaned in annoyance, but reluctantly agreed.

"Autobots! Roll out!" The Prime called, and he and the rest of the team, excluding Starscream and Ratchet, headed through the portal and disappeared.

Finding nothing else to do, Starscream headed to his room, while Ratchet sighed.

"Sometimes, I wish I can do more..."

Then an idea struck him.

Grabbing a canister of Synthetic Energon, he put it into the injector, and plugged the injector into his arm. He gasped out at the feeling of being injected, as well as feeling the unknown Energon course into his body.

His optics turned from their normal bright blue to the same neon bluish-green as the test engine's lights, then he passed out.

The injector fell to the ground as the glass canister shattered.

About thirty minutes later, Raf, Jessica, and Vince walked back into the room, and gasped at the sight of the unconscious medic

"Ratchet!" Jessica called, and the three ran over to him, with Raf climbing onto his body and going over to his faceplate.

"Ratchet! Wake up!" Raf yelled, hoping the medic would. Ratchet groaned as he regained consciousness. Raf climbed off to allow the medic to get up.

"How is it that such small beings can be so loud?" Ratchet asked to no one in particular.

"Are you hurt?" Raf asked as he reached the ground. "You fell."

"I'm fine." The CMO replied as he fully stood up. "I'm... more than fine." He added, as he moved his arm around, which moved far more smoothly than it did before, as if it had been freshly oiled. He then opened his arm screen, which showed his life signal bar glowing orange and increasing at a higher rate than the others.

"Energy efficiency is up thirty percent? Motor functions optimal?" He asked himself, as he realized the improvements the Synthetic Energon had bestowed upon him. He then chuckled, but stopped as a thought struck him. "Any word from the others?"

The three kids shook their heads.

Meanwhile, out in a canyon-like area, the Autobots were driving through a trench in pursuit of Breakdown and Knockout, who had a lone Energon cube.

"Knockout, can't we just bridge out of here?" Breakdown asked, as the cube was slowing him down. "This cube is putting some serious drag on me."

"The more we give the Autobots a workout, the more fuel they burn." Knockout said. "And we win the Energon race. Besides, here comes Air Support."

A squadron of Eradicons flew behind them, and fired off missiles at the Autobots, who dodged, and Arcee raced on ahead.

The missiles flew a few miles on before hitting the cliff-faces, causing rocks to fall and block the path of the Autobots, but Arcee maneuvered her way through the blockade and continued on, as the others transformed and skidded to a halt just in front of the rocks. They deployed their blasters, but the Eradicons flew on to stop Arcee.

"ARCEE! FALL BACK!" Optimus ordered urgently. "YOU'RE OUTNUMBERED!"

"We're always outnumbered!" Arcee replied firmly. "We need that Energon!"

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