Why is it always Gaara-10

Start from the beginning

"Doing business is the leaf, she should be back soon though." He answered. I nod my head, I must've missed her when I was back home. 

"Well, good seeing you." I say and head back to Gaara's office. I didn't really know anyone else besides his siblings. 

The door suddenly opened and Gaara walked in. I couldn't tell how the meeting went because of his blank look on his face. 

"How'd the meeting go?" I say walking toward him, he shrugged. "That bad?" 

"The council members are starting to question if it was a good idea to name me kazekage." He said, "They think it'll put the village in more danger because I'm a jinchuriki." I take hold of his hand a rub circles with my thumb. 

"You know they don't truly believe that, it they did you would never have been even considered for the kazekage position. They're just on edge with all this Akatsuki stuff." I say trying to reassure him. He nods and walks back over to his desk and sits down. 

The rest of the day Gaara had more free time so we were able to hang out a bit more. We went and toured the village and went to the market. I helped Gaara with his kazekage duties and never ending paperwork. Because of my terrific help Gaara was able to come home early tonight so we could have alone time. 

We arrived at his kage mansion and Gaara went to put his sand horde away. It was very similar to the hokage mansion back home except it had a more Gaara feel to it. I headed over to his bed and laid down on it. I was surprisingly tired. I looked over and saw a familiar book on his nightstand. I grabbed it and opened it sitting up. I could feel my face heating up as I read the latest book of icha icha paradise. 

"Gaara, why do you have this book?" I say looking up at Gaara who was across the room. He walked over towards me to see what it was that I was holding. He shrugged. 

"Naruto sent a while ago, he said it was a boring book and wanted to know what I thought of it."  

"Do you know what these books are about?" I ask looking him in the eye still trying to control my  red face. He shook his head. I handed him the book and told him to read the first few sentences of the page. He agreed and began reading it. I quickly saw the realization on his face. He handed the book back to me a blush across his face.

"Very boring book." He muttered, trying not to meet my eyes. I giggled finding his reaction funny. 

"It's not funny," he said looking at me. "My innocence is gone now." The made me laugh more. "Shut up," he mumbled as I laughed at him. Gaara pulled me into his chest trying to stop laughing.

"It's not funny," he said with a red face. 

"I wish we could stay like this forever," I whispered against his chest closing my eyes. He ran his fingers threw my hair. 

"Kaiya, I want you to know if the Akatsuki do come after me... that I will protect you no matter what." Gaara tells me, "Kai?" He looks down and finds her sound asleep. He smiles to himself. If only you knew how much you truly meant to me.

"Goodnight my love." 

——------- timeskip brought to you by chick fil a eat more chicken--- 

I woke up to the sound of a bang. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked next to me. Gaara was gone. He must've headed back to his office to keep himself busy. There was another loud bang and shouts. what's going on? I think getting up out of bed and heading outside. I see that Kankuro is out there already with a few other sand shinobi. 

"Kankuro!" I shout, "What's happening?" He pointed up to the sky.

"Gaara fighting an Akatsuki." He said, I looked up and saw Gaara in the sky on his sand and a blonde haired boy with a black cloak and red clouds. I recognized him to be the one called Deidara. I was supposed to gather intel on him a while back. 

"Gaara's been keeping the Akatsuki dude in control. Gaara's got this in the bag." He said confident. I always admired how he had just confidence and faith in his younger brother. Gaara chased him through the sky with his fast sand. 

Deidara was surround by sand. "Well this isn't good! Hm!" He said as a sand still followed him, the sand followed him until-  His clay bird flew into the sand, trapping the blond haired male into a sand ball. Kankuro looked up into the air where it all happened

 "It's all over" he said the other shinobi behind him cheered for the Kazekage "As long as we have our Lord Kazekage, the Sand Village will be fine!" I looked up concerned, I doubted it would be that easy to bring him down. 

Gaara's eyes looked deeply concentrated on the sand he trapped Deidara in. Kankuro still looked up. "Hold on" 

 Deidara formed a sign with his hand. The sand he was trapped in all exploded, causing the Shinobi underground to be shocked. Deidara flew out, yet all of Gaara's sand still followed him, once the sand out hold of him, it flew him around, nearing him to the sand once again The sand flew him in until Deidara pulled one of his explosives and threw it towards the sand. His bird flying in and Deidara got on it. Flying away the sand ball reopened and began chasing the clay bird.

 "Hm. The sand is sure a real pain, isn't it, tch!" Deidara said, flying higher.

 "What an idiot.. There is no man alive who can escape Gaara's sand" Kankuro said. Deidara was surround by sand.  


"Yeah, what is it?" Kankuro replied 

"Where is Lord Gaara?" Said one out of a small group of Sand ninja. "Is he still at battle?" Replying yes, Kankuro pointed up. 

"Yup, he's right there." All the Ninjas were in awe of their Kazekage. "C'mon Gaara."

 Gaara's sand started forming around Deidara's arm. Gaara's controlled it all, his only focus on the Akatsuki member. Deidara took his other hand out, taking oyt one if his explosives and tried blowing up the sand.Gaara kept his eyes on Deidara. 

"Sand coffin..." The red haired boy said, his hands forming a fist. 

"He did it!" One Ninja said. Everyone watching cheered. Well, not really. Deidara basically kept flying on his clay bird, making his arm rip off. "Darn it, he went off, again" 

"He's good alright, I tell you that" the blond male said "I get it, the sand he used to cut off my arm was faster and more powerful than ordinary sand from the desert. According to our information, he (referring to Gaara) always carries a big amount of it with him" Deidara says."So it stands to reason that, that sand is different. Inferred with a large amount of Chakra, perhaps. That's his go to for quick defense. And source for fast attacks.... What are those called again" 

Deidara was thinking too much, he didn't notice the sand following him- quickly.

"Now I remember!" Deidara shouted "The ultimate defense! So that's the Sand Village's ultimate defense, hm!" 

"hha, I've only got little clay left." Deidara chuckled. Sand still chasing him. "Should've been better prepared. Hm.. I guess Sasori was right on the money, I hate that." 

People where watching the their dear Kazekage. "Lord Kazekage!" 

A ninja was looking through binoculars observing the enemy from a distance.

 "A black cloak with a red cloud pattern. Judging by the guard he is in, the enemy he is fighting against is most likely to a be member of the Akatsuki." Kankuro agreed with his statement. Quickly all of the sand grouped up and began chasing Deidara at a quick pace.

"Gaara has resorted to his ultimate defense up there, I think it safe to assume that the enemy is facing a serious threat.... We can't rule out the possibility of Gaara's losing control, the Shukaku may be realised." Baki told Kankuro. "Our people will be in danger."

 Kankuro replied. He then smiled a small smile. "You don't have to worry about that." I looked at him. "I know Gaara will never harm the people in this village. Not ever." 



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