...Complete multiverse destruction...


Staring back at Ink, Err0r looked towards opening up a portal to the codes and saw over half of the Multiverse destroyed and increasing. This wasn't his doing. This was...problematic


Ink attacked. As he usually does when he catches up with Err0r. Turning to face Ink once again with him just about to shoot another attack, doging and exiting through a portal. Finding himself in another AU to destroy before—

[ — || — ]

Sunlight filtered through the many trees that surrounded a large mansion. A skeleton wearing a starry jacket was sitting on a picnic table watching multiple young kids play on a playground. It was a peaceful day for the Multiverse as usual, the kids just wanted to play with each other in the playground. But because they're kids they needed someone to watch them. Of course Orbit didn't mind, not a lot of things happen in OuterTale and he's fond of kids.

"Hey Orbit?" a kid, Gaz, called. Gaz was possibly the oldest of the kids, with him acting older than most of the kids and more reserved. But he still child like, just stupidly smart and arrogant. "Yeah Gaz?" Orbit responded.

"We heard something from the forest"

"What kind of something?"

"Like a bunch of branches falling down"

"Did any of you go looking?" Standing up he noticed the kids looking towards the forest, none of them going in and thankfully all of them were there as far as he could see. Going towards the kids, Orbit also looked into the forest and saw nothing, but that doesn't mean there's nothing there. Leading the kids inside he called over his brother, Galaxy who was part of the royal guard. He did need someone to watch the kids while either one of them searched.

"SO THEY HEARD A NOISE IN THE FOREST?" Galaxy questioned stepping into the forest with Orbit staying near the start.

"Yeah, I didn't hear the noise but if there IS someone...I just wanna make sure they're okay"

"WELL IT DOESN'T HURT TO BE CAUTIOUS" Galaxy was too worried but again it didn't hurt to be cautious. It might've been a false alarm and just something that startled the kids, or a wild animal. Ink was rather adamant about including animals as to "Add realism" to the forest. Continuing through the forest, not really showing caution, the guard searched the forest as Orbit stayed to watch over the TimeKids.

... A few minutes before ...

Waking up he saw trees. So he was probably in a forest. If he recalls the Multiverse collapsed because he stumbled into the Anti-Void and enough time passed for Ink to overpopulate it. Great. Sitting up, he confirmed he's in Snowdin's forest, this couldn't be an AU they landed in because dead Multiverse and all, so where... Bringing up the codes he saw different numbers in place. The codes were different that's for sure. The codes that were usually constant no matter the AU were different. Thing is this place he was in wasn't an AU. Moreso something like the Anti=VoiD. Those codes, as Error found, were the Multiversal Codes and since those were different that meant he wasn't in his Multiverse.

Looking around the forest, Error decided to stand and wander around. Without a Multiverse, or at least one to possibly call his own, he couldn't destroy. Or more so he's not sure if he could or even needed to. Once again looking at the codes he saw the usual balances but they seemed pretty evened out. Fully balanced even. So there's no need for him to destroy but he never thought about anything beyond his life previously. Now that's something he'd need to get used to.

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