Ch. 65 Teleportation?

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Maki sighed tiredly, rolling her sealing scrolls again and stretching on the rock that she had been sitting on for guard duty.

She stood up and yawned. Matsuri and Akari had woken up. They had just asked for some time to freshen up before she could go back to sleep and one of them would take the shift. The sun was just beginning to rise.

Since she had nothing to do, her eyes trailed a tiny snail slithering on the forest floor slowly. She blinked however, when she saw the snail cease it's slow movements near a log lying on the forest floor that seemed to be... marked... with a red cross...

Before she had time to contemplate what all that was about, she saw the log disappear and a blur of red and green appear in front of her, making her shriek and hastily throw a kunai, only for the offender to dodge it with an offended sound, before screaming a victorious "I GOT IT!"

Maki stopped short before exhaling in relief, calming herself. Then she stared her captain, who was much smaller than her, in the eye. "How the... hell?"

"Maki-san! You saw it didn't you!?" Akari grinned at her excitedly.

"Uh... yeah... one moment there was a log here and... the other it's... you... but weren't you at the stream?"

"I was! I substituted with the log!"

"The one with the red mark on it?"

The chunin nodded cheerfully.

"But... doesn't substitution only work for like... short range?" she muttered.

"Yes, I did a bit of research and made a few amends and... well," Akari shrugged. "I've been working on this since months. Almost a year! Since the time I graduated!"

Maki's eyes widened before she stood up. "Wait... are you also using the seals that you asked me to teach you somewhere in this?"


"That red cross... was a seal... how did you manage to compress the entire thing into a red cross!?" Maki asked excitedly.

Akari blinked, before grinning back. That was the first time she had ever seen Maki get excited over something. So seals was her thing too, then.

"My academy teacher is an expert at seals. Hell, he can teleport an entire storm to a place if the right amount of chakra is used. He taught me some of this," Akari admitted, before muttering a short "the other part may or may not have been the random blown off seals you found in the tent," under her breath.


"Hey! At least I got it!"

"So you're using seals... and substitution... and making an entirely new jutsu out of it... Ne, captain, isn't that teleportation then?"

Akari smiled sheepishly. "Hehe, I guess. A rip off version, really. Like I need logs. With red markings on them," she sweat-dropped. "It's ineffective at the moment."

"Isn't this very similar to the Fourth Hokage's flying raijin jutsu?" Maki pointed out. "They taught us about him while teaching us seals."

Akari's eyes widened. "Holy shit! You're right! Shit! Thank you Maki-san!" Akari blabbered excitedly before disappearing.

Maki blinked. ".... You're welcome?"

It was the third day of their mission.

They had not really found anything important so far. Relating to their mission. Well, at least their captain was getting a lot out of this mission, considering all the seals she had helped her with.

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