Ch. 23 Invading Scarecrow Sensei's Life, Step Two!

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Akari panted when she finally caught up to the green duo. Boy, did they have some stamina. And she wasn't even the one doing handstands! Plus those stupid weights Scarecrow sensei won't let her remove make her want to drop dead whenever she's walking.

"Alright! That's enough, Lee," Akari heard the green sensei's voice as he stopped. Finally.

Both of them turned back together, pointing an accusing finger towards... her?

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING US-" the green student stopped short. "She's just a girl," he looked at his sensei, who seemed as confused, before the green student's eyes widened. 

"Could it be that you're a fan of Gai sensei!?" he exclaimed, stars shining in his eyes.

"Ah... um... well... I was looking for him," Akari recollected herself and smiled.

She jumped feeling a hand on her shoulder, to see the green sensei behind her already. So fast!

"Well I'll be honored," Gai grinned, his teeth sparkled in the dark. Damn... which toothpaste did he use?

"So tell me, why were you looking for Konoha's Mighty Blue Beast? Were you looking for Taijutsu training? Were you hoping I'd recount tails of my bravery to you? Did you want to know how I won the latest challenge with my eternal rival from the power of youth?"

Akari backed off slightly. This man was... unique?

"Look Gai sensei! She's using weights too!" Lee pointed out excitedly.

Gai grinned excitedly. "Are you looking for training in Taijutsu with me!?" he asked excitedly.

"Oh... well... not really..." she trailed off.

Both Gai and Lee fell down at a corner, a depressed circle around there, with several people giving the two of her weird looks.

"I mean I'd love to!" she hurriedly amended. "But my master is already training me in it because he thinks I've weak Taijutsu and what not," Akari grumbled under her breath.

"I am just a newbie though... hehe," Akari confessed sheepishly.

"There's nothing hardwork and dedication cannot achieve!" Green sensei, or Gai sensei, shouted, pointing towards where the sun would've been if it wasn't night right now.

Akari grinned. She liked people who thought that. Considering she didn't really have much talent when it came to any jutsu except the basic three the academy taught.

"Let your power of youth explode!" he continued babbling on.

"Oh on that note! I came here to ask you if you know Kakashi sensei," she asked hopefully.

"MY ETERNAL RIVAL!" Gai shouted making Akari take a step back from the sudden outburst.

She wasn't even sure if this was the friend Kakashi was talking about, let alone expect this reaction.

"Kakashi has been my eternal rival since forever!" he exclaimed.


"Yes! We challenge each other in several things and right now I'm on the lead!"

"You're stronger than Scarecrow sensei?" she asked.

"Of course I am!"

Akari frowned, before folding her hands and turning away. "Nah, no way."

Both Gai and Lee sweatdropped.

"I'm speaking the truth!"

Akari blinked. "Well... I don't really know you well so I can't say until I see one of those challenges you and Kakashi sensei do. I'm still rooting for my master though," she nodded to herself.

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