Ch. 27 Scarecrow Sensei is a Dog Person

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"Say, Kakashi sensei?" Akari asked while doing her push ups.

"Hm?" Kakashi hummed, reading his book while casually having his feet on his apprentice's back while she did her push ups (he called it added punishment and Akari might believe it considering how difficult push ups were with some weight on her back, but she was also half sure Scarecrow sensei just needed a leg-rest).

"Do you know Lord Danzo?"

"He's a council member. Everyone knows him."

"But you two seemed to personally know each other! And... dislike each other..."

"Focus on training," Kakashi answered shortly.


"Enough," Kakashi said with a tone of finality in his voice. "Focus on your training. You're already wasting my time here."

Akari shut up instantly after that, her mood instantly plummeting down.

She saw her dead parents in her nightmare, a wolf seems to hate her, her dreams made no sense, she couldn't throw senbons properly, a creepy old man had a creepy conversation with her, she forgot her strength training and now was risking disappointing her already disappointed master who already viewed her as a waste of time.

Wonderful day.

She sulked quietly while doing her push ups, brainstorming throughout the day. That stupid Itachi Uchiha was still alive... and he was the reason her parents were dead... Even though she never knew her parents, she still felt a strong surge of rage towards him and the fact that he was roaming freely around the world.

She needed to figure this out! Why did Itachi Uchiha kill her parents!? Or their clan? She knew she would've been side-lined in the clan because of her half-Uchiha traits, but her parents... she would have parents if Itachi hadn't gone nuts... and seeing them in her dream, hearing them say they loved her... all of that made the loss seem much more real!

She had to find out more about what happened that night... why did Itachi want to wipe out the Uchihas so badly that the only way she was saved was her mother not being an Uchiha...?

She wanted to know why, and if it was a stupid reason she would kill the bastard herself-

She was jerked out of her train of throats by a sharp prod on her side with a foot.

"Huh?" she stared back at Kakashi's gaze.

"What is it?" Kakashi drawled, glancing at her lazily through his single revealed eye while he was sprawled on the grass.

"... I didn't do anything this time!" Akari immediately defended.

"That's not-"

"And I'm doing extra push ups to compensate for not completing the training!"

"Not that either-"

"And it wasn't me who spread the rumor about you and Ibiki sensei! I swear-"

"You did what?"

"...Hehe," Akari chuckled sheepishly. "Um... would I be forgiven if I give you details about who Asuma sensei is seeing?"

"Gossiping is bad," her sensei reprimanded. 

"You don't say anything to Anko sensei," his ten-year-old menace pouted. "Unfair. And you won't even admit it when I ship you with her-"

"Do you really want to go back to dodging fireballs right after I returned?" 

"N-No sensei," she stammered, dutifully continuing her push ups, and drawing the tally marks on the ground to keep count as she talked.

"Anyways, what I meant to say was, is something wrong?"

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