Ch. 25 Weird Dreams because of Clan Destroying Traitor Uchihas

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"It's Itachi Uchiha," a raven-head man spoke in a frantic voice.

"Fugaku-sama's son!?" a woman exclaimed weakly, already in pain, holding her swollen belly and the new life throbbing inside it.

"He's slaughtering all the Uchiha," the man said, rushing inside the house and digging for a few documents. "Sachiko, I need you to run!" he hurriedly exclaimed, throwing few documents into the fire-place.

"What!? I'm not leaving you, I can fight-" she was cut off by a painful grunt.

"I know you're strong but right now you need to get to the hospital. Akari needs you."


"Oh, I decided our child's name yesterday at work because you won't stop bugging me about it... it means light... hehe," he chuckled sheepishly, strapping on his ninja gear. 

"Even though I don't have the Sharingan, I am an Uchiha," he whispered, glancing down. "But you shouldn't suffer for marrying me, Sachiko," he smiled sadly, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "I burnt our marriage papers, and barely any Uchihas know us because of how diluted the Uchiha genes are in our family. There's still a chance you can get away!"

They suddenly hear the sound of glass crashing in the house beside them, and a woman screaming.

"Please get to the hospital and protect our child. I know you will."

"I will," the brunette lady whispered tearfully, before pushing herself off the couch and grunting. She had a determined look in her eyes despite the pain. "I promise you, Akihito, you can burn our marriage papers, and that traitor of an Uchiha can slaughter both of us, but he won't be able to erase the emblem of our love," she grits out. "I promise you I'll make sure our child lives on for both of us."

"I love you. Both of you," the man whispered, glancing at his wife's belly longingly, before turning away, marching outside the door.

The lady wiped her tears before storming outside from the back door. Despite her pain, and despite the voices screaming behind her as a sword cut their throats, despite the fear that her husband might be one of them, she kept going until she reached a house. She couldn't take the pain any longer and collapsed after knocking the house.

When she regained consciousness, she was lying on the bed with a woman staring down at her. She grunted in pain, her vision floating, as she looked questioningly at the small... wolf... beside the woman.

She decided not to question it, considering her baby decided that night was the best night to pop out of her belly.

The woman didn't seem to question a random pregnant lady appearing at her doorstep either as she provided her a gown and helped the lady during the painful process of child-birth.

After a few hours, they finally heard the cries of a new life. 

"It's a girl," the woman spoke.

"Thank you," Sachiko whispered as leftover tears rolled down her eyes.

"You know..." the old woman who helped her spoke for the first time.

"I know," the brunette whimpered. "I won't make it," she cried, reaching for her child. "I love you Akari," she cried. "I'll be joining your father now," she mumbled. No one noticed the blue chakra flowing into the child from her hands.

The brunette lady's heartbeats stopped. The newborn burst out crying. The small snowy wolf beside her looked at them with his sad charcoal eyes. The woman who helped during the childbirth simply sighed, picking up the child and taking her to the orphanage, never questioning anything.

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