Ch. 52 Meeting the Pack!

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Akari yawned beside Haru, sitting on the garden bench, still in her hospital clothes because she had only half an hour before she had to return there, watching her two senseis with interest.

Iruka tossed a scroll at her.

"What's this?" she asked curiously, opening the scroll.

"Teleportation technique. Told you I'd find one for your eye-of-the-storm jutsu."

"It was fire style big balls jutsu!" Akari protested.

Haru sweat-dropped. "I am with Iruka sensei for this one."

Akari pouted looking at her best friend.

"Fine," she grumbled.

"So you really did manage it?" Kakashi muttered, grabbing the scroll from her hands and examining it. "Not bad," he muttered.

Iruka grinned, rubbing the scar on his nose.

"Quick question," Akari raised her hand. "Since when do the two of you get along?"

"He kidnapped me," Iruka pointed an accusing finger towards the jonin.

"Oh? That's what we are calling it now?"

"You literally grabbed my arm with an annoyed expression and teleported us to an unknown place without my consent!"

"...At least I made things right?"

"More like annoyed me until I started ranting to you," Iruka grumbled under his breath.

Meanwhile Akari and Haru were having a frantic conversation with their eyes, glancing to and fro between Kakashi and Iruka in excitement.

"Anyways, chibi, time's up. Go back to the hospital. I shouldn't find you anywhere else but your hospital bed within the next ten minutes," Kakashi ordered.

"Oh come on!" Akari whined.

"That's a bit ironic coming from you, Kakashi-san," Iruka muttered under his breath.

"I'll keep you company!" Haru chirped.

"This is why I love you," Akari hugged Haru happily, before turning to Kakashi. "Am I... still going with you on that mission?"

"I managed to postpone it by a day," Kakashi smiled. "Don't worry."

Akari grinned gratefully. "Thank you sensei! Iruka sensei, I'll see you later for the eye-of-the-cyclone thing! You gotta teach me how to teleport a cyclone! Thanks!" she called out before rushing off with Haru.

"How is she so energetic while going to the hospital?" Iruka muttered behind her.

"I want to be the first person to know once you find an answer to that," Kakashi muttered in response.


Kakashi, surprisingly, had been pretty calm when Akari had woken up after a few hours from the residual effects of having a Sharingan used on you.

Which made Akari suspicious about what the hell he had been up to after finding out what happened while she was unconscious.

He was aware of most of the conversation between him and Itachi, thanks to Iruka's silencing seals. Itachi was an S-Rank rogue ninja. If he said you'd die if you told anyone, there was a high chance that you would. And if it hadn't been for those silencing seals, Itachi being in the village at the exact same time she had been informing her master about their interaction would've gotten her killed.

But thankfully, she had managed to tell Kakashi about the truth behind the massacre, and about Itachi's threat and warning to her.

Which made her wonder...

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