Chapter 27

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when Seungmin stormed out of the room

third person PoV.

"What did just happen?" Jisung asked confused after he helped Amy up from her position on the ground. The girl looked equally as confused as the rest, "What did I do?" She asked cluelessly.

"Someone should go after him, ask him what happened" Minho suggested.
"I would go but I don't think he wants to see me right now" The girl's voice was so evident of sadness that the members instantly felt bad for whatever happened.

"Maybe it had something to do with his phone or something he saw there? He was looking at it shortly before his outburst" Hyunjin wondered but there was no way to prove it since Seungmin had taken his phone with him.

"This propably is the worst timing I could choose", Jeongin started, "but I'm really sorry for lashing out yesterday. I have been talkig to Chan because I feel so guilty for saying all those things and you know that I'm not the best when it comes to talking about their problems. I planned on writing all of you a message like a letter or something but now that with Seungmin. I just needed to get it off my chest."

The members all gathered in a hug and reassured Jeongin that they weren't mad at him. "Who's going after Seungmin?" Chan interrupted the cuddling session and looked over to Amy.

"No, with the way he yelled at me, he for sure doesn't want to see me right now. One of you should go and find out what's wrong."

"I'll go" Hyunjin offered and left the room. "Do you have an idea on what happened?" Asked Minho and sat down next to the girl.

"Not a clue. We were fine yesterday evening. I don't know what happened since then" Her voice had an underlying tone of frustration and her face resembled hurt. "Hyunjin will talk to him and then you guys will figure it out" Jisung occupied Amy's other side and patted her arm supportingly.

About twenty minutes later Hyunjin came back - alone. "He doesn't want to talk to me, let alone to you" Hyunjin apologised. "What did I do to him?"

Hyunjin sent a concerned look towards his leader and went to him. "He was with some girl. They seemed comfortable with each other. She is one of the staff members" he explained in a whisper.
"Do you think he is-"
"No! Seungmin wouldn't do something like that. Maybe he just need someone new to talk to. Sometimes you need a stranger more than a friend."

"Wait-! He just broke up with me, didn't he?" Amy suddenly exclaimed and sprung up. "I don't think he meant it that way-" Felix tried to calm her down.

"He said he doesn't want to ever talk to me or see my face ever again. I take that as a break up."
"He never used the words 'we are over' or any version of that" Changbin reasoned but only earned himself a scoff from Amy.

"Where is he?" She asked directed at Hyunjin. "Maybe both of you should cool down first" Hyunjin avoided the question and took a few steps back.

"But I deserve an explanation at least, don't I?" The first tear of realisation rolled down her cheek and she angrily wiped it away again. "If you don't want to help me, I'll just search him myself!" She announced but her voice gave up at the end.

Just when she was about to open the door, it was already opened from outside. There stood Seungmin and Moonya and Amy took a few stumbling steps back as she was almost hit by the door.

"You're still here" said Seungmin emotionless, "I thought I made myself clear. Moonya here told me JYP always has a second person for every position. For the dance instructor it happens to be Moonya. So if you could please go, Moonya told me Itzy was searching for a dance instructor right now. Maybe you'll find your place there."

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