Chapter 8

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Seungmin PoV.

Together Amy and I left the company and I was starting to wonder how we will get to her apartment as I remembered her saying she doesn't have a car or even a license. I wasn't really in the mood to take the bus because as much as I loved Stays I kinda needed my privacy now.

Nevertheless I followed Amy to the garage and was kinda surprised when we stopped in front of a motorcycle.

I think she even mentioned her passion for biking once but it seemed to have slipped my mind. She wordlessly pulled out two helmets and handed one over to me. "You want me to drive this thing with you?"
"Yeah are you scared?" the question could have been teasing but the way she said it was almost concerned. "Not necessarily scared just a little bit uneasy, I've never rode one before." I answered honestly.

"You don't need to come with me if you're uncomfortable or we can also take the bus. But I promise I wouldn't let anything happen to you, you would just have to hold on tightly." I thought about it for a few seconds and as weird as it sounds the thought of getting to hug Amy indirectly convinced me to sit on this hell machine.

I buckled up my helmet as Amy did the same. She was already sitting on the seat looking at me expectingly. "You okay? You really don't ha-" "I'm fine, I'm fine." I interrupted her and climbed on the seat behind her. I carefully placed my hands on her shoulders and told her she could start driving. She didn't though.

"It would propably be better if know" she paused and when I asked her what she meant she took my hands of her shoulder and guided them around her waist. "Like that you can hold on better if I go into a curve or something like that."

With those words she started the motor and started driving. Instinctively I leaned closer, wrapped my arms around her tighter and leaned my head on her back while shutting my eyes.

With the time I got the hang of it and it wasn't even nearly as scary anymore as I thought it would be. But I was comfortable where I was and Amy didn't need to know that I wasn't scared anymore as long as I could keep hugging her like this.

When the motorcycle came to a stop, I was almost sad that the drive was already over. I reluctantly let go of Amy and stood up. I passed Amy her helmet and waited while she stored them in the little box.

"See it wasn't even that scary right?" Amy asked when she turned around, a bright smile plastering her face. "I guess so. I think I could definitely get used to this." I definitely meant riding a motorcycle in general not necessarily with Amy but that was definitely a huge bonus point.

"That's good. I love this motorcycle, I'm only available as a duo." I quickly turned around and started to walk towards the entrance as I felt my face heating up. I knew she didn't mean it in a flirting matter but somehow I was still getting flustered. Oh boy, I didn't even know her for more than three weeks and this girl is already confusing me.

"When is your stuff coming?" I asked Amy once we sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall. "Any minute now I think. Today is like the big day: The things that are shipped from Australia will arrive and also the other stuff I ordered will come today. I mean look around! Nothing is in here yet."

That was definitely true. Amy gave me a tour through the house earlier and the only room that was remotely furnished was her bedroom- and even that only held a bed and opened boxes full of clothes. "Is there like a team coming to help you settle everything?"

"If you count my best friend and a dumbass 21-year-old as a team, yeah sure."
"Well then we are four people I guess, it'll propably take some time then right?"

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