Chapter 9

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Seungmin PoV.

"That story has to wait lovebirds, cause the queen is here!"

I looked up to see a girl leaning on the doorframe, her arms crossed over her chest. She was not that tall, guessing probably around 162cm (5'3). She had long black hair that reached her hip and the tips of her hair were dyed pink. She wore a black mini skirt with black over-knee-boots. She wore a glittering blouse that revealed her rose tattoo on her collarbone. On top of that she wore a choker, her fingers were full of rings, her wrist full of bracelets and silver creoles dangling from her ears. She had a smokey eye and deep red lips.

"I'm Somi, nice to meet you, Seungmin, I assume." She took a step forward and reached her hand out for me to shake. "Isn't that a little overdressed for a house moving? Even for you?"

"You never know who you will meet and by the way I'm planning to go clubbing later and if you like it or not, sweetheart, you are coming with me." I saw Amy roll her eyes before Somi directed her words to me again. "You can come with us if you want. Devon will propably come too, at least I plan on dragging him along."

"That propably wouldn't be a good idea, considering I'm an idol and everything."

"Oh right, you're that dude from Stray Kids, the fact that people have jobs always leaves my mind when I'm talking to them."

"I guess I am that dude from Stray Kids but well there are eight of us."
"That dude with the insanely beautiful voice, that's you right?"
I didn't know what to say. If she really meant me then I would be flustered but if she meant someone else and I thank her for a compliment that isn't directed towards be, would be extremely embarassing.

"Yeah, that's him. You need to hear him sing live one time, it's absolutely amazing." That was Amy's voice and now I was deeply flustered and could only mutter a small 'thank you'.

"What is the name of that insanely hot dude in your group?"
"Ehm.. I don't know who you mean. Hyunjin probably, he is the unofficial visual."
"Yeah he is attractive too but I don't mean him. Come on Amy help me out here a little."

I looked over to Amy to see her smirk in a way that said you are on your own in this.

"You really are no help. Well he raps like...damn.. you know? And he looks hot while doing so. Have you seen that man's arms. I died when I saw that bicep, lord help me." I started laughing as I knew who I would tease later about this conversation.
"You propably mean Changbin, the small one." 

"Yes him, exactly. I didn't really saw him as small though, considering he is taller than me."
"I'll tell him that, he will be happy to hear that." I said while trying to suppress a laugh.

"What are we waiting for? There are still a lot of thing to get up here." Amy remembered us and we continued clearing the truck.

"Does anyone of you have a truck lisence?" asked Somi on our last way up, the truck now totally empty, the apartment packed till the ceiling. "I don't even have a normal car liscence but Devon has one." I still didn't know who that Devon guy was supposed to be but I would meet him later anyways.

After we put every box in the room where whatever was in it was supposed to be. We ended up in the living room again. Somi was fixing the couch table, while Amy and I were putting together one of the shelves that was supposed to become a book shelf.

"You could tell me now the story of how you met your other friend."
"Oh yes please, that story shows another side of you, babe." Somi said while doing that seductive cat-claw-move with her hand. Amy started laughing while shaking her head.

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