Chapter 16

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I would have never guessed that I would tell my most vulnerable story three times in such a short amount of time.

The second time was Minsung. They wanted to treat me for dinner as a thank you for playing cupid for them. The whole night was relaxed with the two people I knew cared a lot about me. We somehow came to the topic of last week's incident and I told them the reason why I panicked. Less detailed than with Seungmin, but still the main points.

The third, and hopefully last time for now, was with the rest of the members. They invited me over to say sorry for not reacting appropraite to my feelings and I again had to explain why I even reacted the way I did.

Now all of Stray Kids knew and it somehow felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders even though I left the propably most important part, which would maybe turn them against their boss, out. It was better that way, seeing they were already angry because of JYP's careless treatment, I really didn't need to add to that fuel.

Today was literal hell. I had college classes the whole day which already took all of my energy. As soon as I stepped out of the college my phone rang and the manager told me that the SKZ staff had a meeting for the upcoming Comeback which was in about two weeks. The meeting was extremely boring especially considering that I had nothing to say either way.

But the best thing is that the manager took me aside afterwards to tell me that my schedule has been changed. The new one will cause so much stress with my classes but he just told me to manage. He then told me that he heard how I told Stray Kids about the incident back in my trainee days. He said JYP would pay me again if I told them it was all just made up to cover my embarrassment.

I politely declined and left.

Now I was walking home since my motorcycle was in the workshop because some idiot decided it was a good idea to crash into it with his car while driving backwards.

It was already close to midnight and normally I didn't have a problem to be out this late but I was really exhausted. On top of that I had to walk for about one more hour because the next public transport goes in the morning.

I walked for a little while until I didn't know where to go now. It isn't like I walk this way all the time. I took out my phone and go to maps to see the route I had to take.

Suddenly someone, ore rather something crashed into me, sending me to the ground. Usually I have a good balance but right now I fell down, quite literally on my face. The biker who just hit me didn't give a single shit and continued on his way.
I, on the other hand, had bruised palms, knees and a scratched left cheek.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I called after him but to no use.

"Ah, shit!" My phone was broken, the glass shattered and if it was still able to be turned on, I couldn't see it because the display was covered in rainbrow stripes. "Where the hell am I?" I muttered while trying to stand up. The bruised skin was hurting but nothing I couldn't handle- the real problem was where I was and how to get home.

I walked along the street, trying to find someone to ask for help. I did came across a group of men but other than whistling at me there were of no use.

"Amy, what are you doing here?" I heard a yell and turned around. "Chan?!"
"The one and only" he answered, taking of his mask, "But what are you doing here?" "Motorcycle is in the garage, had a meeting up until now, got lost" I explained shortly. "Okay, then come...what happened to your face?"

"It's nothing really, I just fell, but can you tell me the way?"
"Not gonna happen, you are coming with me to the dorm." He grabbed my arm and pulled me along. "Are you kidnapping me Mr.Bang?"
"Very funny, Amy. You are staying over by the way. There is no way I'll let you walk outside alone now."

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