Chapter 10

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~ I don't know any good spicy Would you rather questions, so I'll skip that part

~ tw: use of alcohol and drunken state


Seungmin PoV.

To say we were still sober would be a straight up lie. If I had to guess the time I would say it was around 2am in the morning. Actually that wasn't even guessing because Amy had hung up a clock earlier.

Now there comes the part with guessing. You see, I couldn't focus that clear anymore, so it could eailsy also be just midnight or already 4am. We did play the game for about an hour but it soon turned into truth or truth? and the shot glasses became fuller with every refill.

I think Amy is out of us still the most sober one but in my state I can't judge the state she is in. But based on the fact that she was on a call a few minutes ago and as far as I'm concerned her sentences were normal, I think she is still pretty okay.

"I think we should go to bed now guys. It's almost 2am..." I was right about the time, ha! I didn't really hear the rest of her sentence but I was right, so it doesn't matter anymore. Soon after I felt two arms lifting be up and steadying be by the waist. I was guided over to the couch and softly placed on it. I felt a blanket cover my body and a sweet voice saying "Goodnight Seungmin, sleep tight!" And then I was off into dreamland.

I woke up, feeling a throbbing pain in my head. When I opened my eyes the pain only increased as there was suddenly a bright light blinding my eyes. With a groan I sat up but immediately held both of my hands to my head. I hate being hungover. What time was it anyways? How long have I slept?

"For your headache." A voice said, handing me a glass of water and an aspirin before sitting down next to me.

I downed the pill and the whole glass of water before turning to the person on my right. To no surprise I saw Amy sitting there with a slightly concerned face.

"Are you okay? Besides the headache?" I was still for a moment to search for anything but when I felt fine I answered her. "I'm fine I think. Just a little hungover. What time is it?"

"Almost 1pm, Somi and Devon are still sleeping and I prefer keeping it that way for a little longer before I have to take care of two more hungover people."

"How come you aren't hungover?"
"I wasn't drunk earlier. For some reason I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance but I also drank much less than all of you."

I just nodded but even this small movement made my head hurt as the aspirin didn't work just yet.

"I'm going to make pancakes as breakfast, do you want to stay or should I call Chan to pick you up?"
"How can I say no to pancakes." Amy chuckled slightly and my headache was forgotten for a second or maybe the aspirin started to kick in.

Anyways, I followed Amy to the kitchen and sat on the bar stool while she was preparing breakfast. We made small talk for awhile until a propably more or less still sleeping Devon approached.

"Where are you keeping the aspirin?" He asked but seemingly didn't have enough strengh to go to wherever Amy was pointing. Instead he slumped against her and put his chin on her shoulder.

I found myself wondering how it would be if I was in Devon's place right now but I quickly brushed that thought off. "Seungmin could you please get the aspirin out of that drawer over there?"

I did as I was told and already prepared a second portion for when Somi would wake up.

Devon had now sat down on a stool next to me, head still propped up on his arms. "Was I clingy?" He asked while a yawn escaped his mouth.

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