Chapter 25

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(A/N a long fluff chapter ~ 3300words)

September 20th (two month later)

Amy PoV.
"Amy, wake up. We're landing" I hear a soft voice pulling me back into reality. I felt a soft pressure on my head and opened my eyes. I sat straight again and looked at Seungmin who was smiling at me.

"Ready for the next days?" He asked grinning. "The way you said that makes me think that I need to be scared" Seungmin kissed my cheek and chuckled slightly. "No need to worry. The next few days will be the perfect opportunity to relax!"

He sounded so enthusiastic that his happy mood spread over to my sleepy self and a grin formed on my face. "I still don't know where we will be staying or how we are going to get there."

Before Seungmin had the chance to respond the voice of a flight attendant interrupted him, "Dear guests, we will be landing in a few moments. Please fasten your seatbelts and keep them closed until the sign above your head turns off. Bring your seats back into their normal position and put up your tables. Armrests have to be lowered and windows opened. Thank you."

"You want a chewing gum?" I asked Seungmin while handing him the package. He gratefully took one out and started chewing. "I still don't like landings"
"You can hold my hand if you want"
I held my hand with my palm up towards him. "I can't say no to that offer, can I?"

He placed his hand above mine and intertwined our fingers. When the plane started going down his other hand reached out to wrap around my arm. I kissed his hand and let him cling to me.

When the ruck of the landing went through the plane, my arm and hand got squeezed tightly. I laughed quietly when I looked over to Seungmin and saw him pouting.

I held back from kissing away his pout until I realised that I didn't need to hold back because he was my boyfriend.

That thought still made me blush and the moment Seungmin turned to me with a confused look as to why my face was red, I leaned forward and pecked his lips. When I pulled away I was face to face with a flustered Seungmin. "You can't just do that, that's not fair!" He stuttered and hid his face in his hands.

"We've been dating for two months now, still getting flustered over a peck?"
I teased knowing well that it was the same for me, but Seungmin didn't need to know that.

Seungmin placed his forehead on my shoulder and mumbled something inaudible.

"Dear guests, thank you for flying with us today. We hope you enjoyed your flight and we wish you a nice stay in Jeju"

"Come on, we have a lot to do!" Seungmin sprung up and immediately bumped his head, followed by a small embarrassed 'ow'. I laughed but grabbed my suitcase to follow him.

We both put on masks and sunglasses to not get recognised. Luckily, we didn't have larger suitcases so we didn't have to wait for that and could directly leave the airport.

We went straight past the Uber and Bus station and headed towards the parking lot. "Wait here for a second, will you?" He let go of my hand and disappeared to who knows where.

I spent the time looking around and a relaxed feeling spread through my body.
A few minutes later a car stopped in front of me and the window went down just to reveal Seungmin. He had one hand on the steering wheel while the other hung lazily out of the opened window. He still wore sunglasses and smirked at me.

"Need a ride, gorgeous?" He said letting his voice drop a few octaves more than usual. I went up to the car, placed my hands on the opened window and leaned down so that I could look inside the car.

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