Chapter 24

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when Changlix went to 'talk'

Amy PoV.

"Amy...can I also talk to you for a second?" Seungmin asked me and we went behind one of the booths. "Do you think Changbin finally confessed?"
He asked but it didn't sound like that was his actual reason to talk to me.
"I think so, yes. Why?"

"I mean I'm always happy to help the members be happy, but...I am a little bit jealous. He won you the huge plushie, stayed by your side the whole time and almost kissed you!" he was looking at the ground but I could tell he was honestly upset.

"Hey, look at me" I lifted his head up and kept my hand on his side of his face, "When we were on the rollercoaster, who was I clinging to? You, exactly. And I don't care about the plushie, I mean it's nice but I'll propably give it to Keyla anyways. And I wouldn't have kissed Felix. He was just so upset about the Changbin situations I think he just needed some type of physical comfort. Neither of us meant to hurt you but I'm really sorry if I did."

He didn't reply but insetad leaned in to capture my lips in a kiss. It was more of a reassurance for him and I gladly gave him that. After I pulled away I stood on my toes to give him a kiss on the forehead. "Let's go back to the others yeah?" He mumbled something inaudible and pouted like a little child.

"Don't laugh at me!" He exclaimed after I couldn't stop myslef anymore, "I just want to stay here with you a little while longer. Just us."

"How about we tell your members that we are in a realationship hm? Then we can be together around them too. I also wanted to ask you if it would be okay if I tell Somi? Not that I could keep it a secret from her much longer but I rather have your consent."
"Of course you can tell her. I think Somi can keep it a secret. I just don't want the staff or JYP or even worse the public to find out!" I noticed that he started panicking a little and pulled him into a hug since I had no idea what to say in a way of calming him down.

"It's okay, it's all gonna be okay. I know that we are in a difficult situation but we'll manage it as long as we stay together okay? We'll just wait for your dating ban to be lifted and then we could talk to your manager if we're comfortable at that time. We'll figure it out. We have the members by our side so nothing can happen okay? Just relax and enjoy the moment"

Seungmin chuckled slightly and pulled me closer for a short second before letting go. "Then let's go back and tell them when we get to the dorm okay?"

"I can't believe we literally have two couples now! Changlix and Minsung! If the fans knew their main ships were true.." Hyunjin trailed off and let himself fall backwards on the couch. "It has been three hours since we told you" Changbin laughed and hit Hyunjins head playfully.

"What do you expect? One moment you two go off to talk, the next you come back telling us that you are a couple now! Anyone else who'd like to say something? Any surprises, any confessions?"

"Amy and I are dating."

The way Seungmin said that this monotone made me laugh so hard that I fell on the floor and leaned against the wall. "SERIOUSLY?" Hyunjin shouted and jumped up from his sitting position. "You're not joking right? When, where, how?" Hyunjin looked so in-disbelief that all the other members joined my laughing and only when Seungmin pulled me up again we started calming down.

I didn't have much time to regain my posure because a happy squirrel jumped me and started yelling all kind of congratulations. Chan stood more in the background but wore a similar expression to Hyunjin's earlier.

"And you didn't tell me?" He asked and pointed at himself. "Well I'm telling you now." I shrugged my shoulders but he just went to put me into a headlock.
"Hey! What is this for?"
"You promised me you would tell me as soon as a boy was seriously involved with you back when we were trainees so this is for not telling me the minute he asked you out! He asked you out right? In a proper way?"

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