Chapter 20

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the next morning

Seungmin PoV.

"Do you have anything planned?" Changbin asked while rolling around on my bed. "Honestly no. I didn't expect that I needed to prepare a date."

"What are you gonna do then?" Hyunjin who just entered the room asked. "I searched online last night. There is this flower park here which is surrounded by little cafés. We'll just go there."

I really didn't plan anything which made me so nervous that I almost didn't attend breakfast. But at breakfast Amy came to me and asked when she should meet me. I was so flustered and seeing her didn't help much so I couldn't stop myself from telling her that I didn't plan anything and was frustrated by that.

She just smiled and said that we could just take a walk or anything and that she wasn't expecting anything. It gave me reassurance but also even more of a reason to make this day special for her.

I was satisfied with my spontaneous made up plan and just hoped Amy would enjoy our date. "Don't you have to go?" Changbin reminded me and I hurriedly left my hotel room. I had asked Changbin for styling tips but I don't know if that was a good decision as I was now dressed completely in black.

It could be useful though as it went well with the mask and sunglasses I needed to not be recognised. When I reached Amy's room I knocked with shaking hands.

Just a few seconds later the door opened and Amy greeted me with a bright smile. "Hey, you ready?" I asked and took her hand after she nodded. I noticed that Amy was also following the dark dress-code as she wore black ripped jeans and a dark green blouse. Just like me she was wearing a mask and sunglasses.

"Where are we going?" We were going over a crowded market right now and I felt her grab my arm to stay close to me. "I'd say it's a surprise but you will see soon either way."
"I like surprises!" She cheered and jumped up and down a few times. I smiled fondly at her, she was just too cute when she became hyped.

Someone bumped into her and out of instinct I pulled her closer and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. That made her stumble and wrap her arms around my torso in return. I looked down at her to see her smiling shyly up at me while a blush appeared on her cheeks. I wanted to stay in that position longer and just look at her but someone had to bump into us again, making us separate.

"Come on. Over there it's less crowded and then we are almost there" I pointed to the sidewalk and pulled her along.
After a few moments of walking in comfortable silence we reached the entrance of the park.

"It's beautiful! Do you have your camera with you?" I held up my camera that was dangling over my shoulder in it's case. "Let's go! Let's go!" She cheered and dragged me to the lake. I laughed while running after her.

"Look over there! There are little ducklings! They are so cute!" She was right- one of them tried to climb on a stone laying on the ground but always slipped down again. The one I found the cutest right now was Amy though as she watched the duckling with shining eyes.

"Take a photo. It's cute!"
"I should take a photos of the cute ones?" She nodded energetically and turned to the ducks again. I reached for my camera and took a photo. "Let me see!" Before I could react she already took my camera and went in the camera roll to look at the last photo.

"That's me though?" She asked while looking at the photo of herself. "I just took a photo of what I thought was the cutest around here" She blushed, hit my chest and turned around pouting. "I already told you I like seeing you flustered" I whispered in her ear before running away from an even more blushing Amy.

I stopped in front if a huge bush with pink flowers and waited for Amy to reach me. Suddenly something jumped on my back and a laugh was heard next to my ear. I was shocked and didn't move but as soon as I felt her sliding of my back I put my hands under her thighs and lifted her back up.

"Sorry. I just got to excited. I didn't mean to startle you or make you uncomfortable" I noticed how Amy wanted to let herself down but I quickly pulled her up again. "No it's fine. I was just surprised" I reassured her and turned my head slightly just to stare into a pair of green eyes.

I quickly averted my eyes again and put her down. "I want to take a few photos. Would you be my model?" Amy raised her eyebrows in response but after a little push from me she stood before the flower bush. "What should I do?"

"Just look pretty" I snapped the first photo and looked at the result. "Hey! I wasn't ready yet."
"But you were. You look always pretty" I continued starting at the picture: Amy was laughing carefree and looked beautiful especially with the scenery in the background.

After a lot of persuasion she let me take a few more photos with different sceneries and poses. "You're beautiful!" I exclaimed when I went through my camera roll. I looked up to see Amy looking at me with a disapproving look. "Just stating facts"I defended myself and pecked her cheek to underline my statement.

"How about going somewhere to eat? I'm craving pancakes and I read that there is a nice pancake café around here."
"Sounds good. Lead the way!" She linked our arms and I started laughing at her antics.

We talked about random things and after a few minutes we reached the café. The bell over the door rung and a waiter came up to us to leas us to a table. It was located at the terrace outside, next to the railing that separated the café from the beneath laying lake.

I pulled back her chair so she could take a seat. "Being a cliché gentlemen now?" Amy giggled but sat down either way. "You like it!" I just replied and sat down opposite of her.

When the waiter came back we ordered coffee and a pancake each. "On a date or can I ask for her number?" The waiter asked directed at me when he came back with our orders.

"You could ask her herself" Amy said raising an eyebrow. "But no, you can't ask for my number. Two reasons: Yes, I'm indeed on a date and second, even if I wasn't I wouldn't give my number to someone who doesn't talk to me personally." She sent him a apologetic but probably fake smile but he just scoffed and turned around.

"When you go clubbing, do you often get hit on?" I asked with insecurity. "Sometimes, well when you go to a club it's quite normal I think. The question is though if you flirt back."
"Do you?"
"Sometimes" She cheekily grinned, knowing very well that I was a little jealous.

I huffed but couldn't stay annoyed because she grabbed my hand that was laying on the table. "Are you jealous?" She teased but this time I didn't want to give in.

"Should I be?" I asked leaning over the table closer to her.

"Hm. I don't know, maybe. Depending on what makes you jealous." She was definitely flirting by now but I liked it so I kept going.

I lifted one of my hands and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. I felt the tension between us but it was different from last night on the rooftop. It was more intense.

"I'd say I don't easily get jealous but when it comes to you..." I trailed off and averted my eyes purposely but kept my position close to her.

"Maybe I shouldn't go to clubs then, at least not without you" Her lips ghosted mine as she spoke and it wouldn't take more for them to actually meet. I closed my eyes to overcome that distance but the second my lips met hers, she pushed me away.

"Why did you do that?" I asked confused and a little frustrated. "This is just the first date. We have to keep it pg13"
"A little peck wouldn't have hurt!" I complained and took a bite from my pancake while pouting.

She just laughed but continued, "It wouldn't have been just a peck and you know that"


~just a short filler chapter (I think there might be another one of those)

~until next chapter

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