Chapter 18

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(a/n longer chapter(3,8 k words) but as I said the drama will start now)

2nd July (~four weeks later)

Seungmin PoV.

"Trying to impress someone?" Jisung asked teasingly while leaning against my doorframe.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I answered while lokking at myself in the mirror.

That was obviously a lie but not everyone needed to know that. I was wearing a light blue shirt with black pants that had a single chain on the right side. I had styled my hair and used a little bit of natural make-up. Okay, maybe I was trying to impress someone but whatever.

"We are going now by the way. You coming?" I heard Jisung call and immediately followed him outside. I definitely didn't want to come too late to Amy's surprise birthday party. Although I think it wasn't that much of a surprise anymore because Somi told her what to wear and that is kinda suspicious.

Somi planned everything and invited a bunch of pleople. Honestly I don't even know if Amy knows them all but oh well. The members and I such as Somi, Noah and about three other people were invited earlier to surprise Amy before everyone else would come. It would all happen at Somi's grandparent's house who had a huge garden and where on a spa trip for three more weeks.

"Who has the present?" Chan asked while starting the car. "I have it." Minho answered and held up an envelop which contained her present. All eight of us gifted her a four-day-trip to Jeju island with a person of her wish. It wasn't booked yet because her schedule was packed at the moment so the holiday would have to wait a few more months probably. I looked down at my lap where another package was laying.

I wanted to get her something that was just from me and I remembered this necklace when we were out together a week ago. It was a silver necklace with a silver triangle that was filled with white marble. She had looked at it through the window but didn't buy it even though she looked like she really wanted it. So I went in town the day after our shopping day to get it for her for her birthday.

"We're here! Get your lazy asses out!" Hyunjin screamed and literally threw himself out of the car.

Yes, sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with them.

Jeongin rung the doorbell and Somi opened within seconds. "Come in, come in! Amy will be here every second!" We quickly shut the door behind us and followed her into the living room where four other people where waiting but I couldn't even look at them for a second until the lights went out. "Hide! I just heard Amy's bike!"Somi screeched and disappeared to god knows where.

"Hello? Somi? If you wanted to go to a club you could've just asked. No need to lure me to you grandparents house and give me the outfit. I -" "SURPRISE!" Somi and everyone else, although a little more quiet than her, screamed. "Wait what?"

"Happy Birthday girl! You are getting the biggest party like you deserve! The other guests are coming soon but I know you like to spent some time with closer friends at first."
"Thank you! You are the best!" Amy said while hugging Somi.
"Who is here...LILLY!!" Amy ran towards the girl who effortlessly picked her up and spun her around.

Not gonna lie, this girl was tall, propably around Hyunjin's height which is above average for girls I think.
"Since when are you here?" Amy asked switching to English. "Arrived today. Couldn't miss your birthday, could I? Your brothers are here too by the way." The Korean response came.
"I can greet them later but oh my god! We haven't seen each other in half a year. I'm having a best friend lack! Best Australian friend lack!" She added after grinning at Somi who stood at the side smiling proudly.

"I missed you too, tiny!" The blonde tall girl said while ruffling Amy's hair.
"I'm not tiny! You are just a giant!" The taller girl laughed and pulled Amy in a playful head lock to ruffle her hair again. "Stop there, Lilly! You are messing up her hair and the whole outfit!" Laughing, Amy was released and Somi came to fix her hair. Just now I could actually admire her appearance.

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